Practical Magic

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Chapter 5: Practical Magic



Just...Skyhold. Everything I saw up close like this made me geared up to get the okay for field work with a team.

It was so-

"Gorgeous." I heard Sophia sigh as she limped through the gate with me. We were both exhausted and sore but she had it the worst.

This place was going to force her back into shape.

Odessa was marveling at everything as well, but I could see her planning.

'If only she knew.' It was much too soon to tell her, or anyone. Little by little, I had even told Sophia. A couple of things at a time tops. Get the story in order. It'd help us stay on track too.

"Maven, I have something to tell you when we find where we'll be staying. After the Inquisitor is made Inquisitor if it doesn't take forever." She had been restless and even a little depressed ever since she woke up the morning we started moving towards Skyhold.

I was worried about her psyche. It made me think she wasn't coping well with all the killing but she held her metal staff almost too tightly and no haunted look covered her face.

Killing to survive and proceed wasn't the current issue. I couldn't really think of anything else.

"Sure thing." I smiled. It wouldn't be long then. The advisors were already seen huddling together like a college hallway gossip group.

My scar itched and I looked down and I couldn't help pursing my lips. Of course, it would be a mark above my breast.

"How are you feeling, My Lady?" Cullen inquired and I nearly jumped. He had walked right up to me. It was about time for the Inquisitor to be named and do her thing.

"Very well, Commander, thank you for asking. It is just odd. I haven't gotten hurt like that in quite some time."

"Let's hope that pattern will continue." He smiled and my heart clenched. Oh, that wasn't fair. Turning towards the commotion was the only way to save face.

Odessa was on the stairs with that sword that was way too big for her thin arms. She was doing her speech about order and during the cheer, I spotted Sophia next to me, grinning brightly with her arms crossed over her chest.

Her eyebrows were doing the wiggle. She had heard our exchange and caught me falter.

"Where should we stay?" I ignored the expression on her face and pressed on.

"There should be a dilapidated house by the spar dummies and the tavern. We could ask for that to get repaired." Her head gestured in the direction of said house and I recalled what she was referring to.

"Sounds good. Then we can have that talk." I concluded, nudging her with a smile. It didn't catch but she tried.

"I'm going to see how true the description of this place is to what we saw before if you don't mind asking Odessa about the house. We'll meet back at the spar dummies?"

"Sounds good." It was comforting to see her okay enough to plan things.

Then she was gone.

"Is something wrong, Maven?" Blinking, I realized I had been staring off into space and my eyes shot up to see Cassandra watching me with a raised brow. She was quite tall for a human in this world. I shook my head.

"Not really, no. I'm just so used to seeing her rely on me in weird situations. This is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to us and her reaction is surprisingly good."

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