A Glimpse...

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I was worried and willing to bet that Drusilla was even more so at their late arrival. Not that the remaining party wouldn't have stopped Florianne, but most of said remainder wouldn't have moved without Odessa's word. I knew my twin would have as long as she was able, but didn't want to think about the long list of possible consequences.

Of all the things I had been expecting upon our return, seeing her dancing with The Iron Bull all laid back and smiling was not one of them. The feeling was pleasant nonetheless.

"They certainly pull the eye, don't they?" Vivienne commented."A foreign and unknown mage dancing with a Qunari mercenary certainly makes for a good stalling tactic. Whatever do you think they're talking about?"

"I'm sure it has everything to do with what happens next." My words were right when I saw him snap his head in her direction before turning it to fully face the Empress and Florianne.

The final showdown.

"It must be nice to know what's about to happen." Dorian sighed dramatically as he stepped between me and Odessa, smiling a little at us both before our Inquisitor did her thing.

"Not always, Dorian. Not always." My eyes were still trained on Drusilla, standing next to Bull and whispering excitedly to him, unable to hold back on telling him what he missed while those around them were either too far away or too distracted to even attempt to eavesdrop.

"A good opportunity to take advantage of, I'm sure. Perhaps, you should find the Commander and save him from his cloud of suitors, hm?" I smiled and laughed a little despite my reddening cheeks.

Had that man grabbed his ass yet? Poor guy. Dorian was right. Cullen should have been saved like an hour ago. Meandering over to the blond man who seemed to feel naked out of his furs and in a red uniform, I allowed a smile to take over my features. He was almost swatting them away when I approached.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm afraid he's saved this dance for me." My hand snaked into his as I pulled him from the thirsty maw.

"I'm sorry, I'm spoken f-oh, Maven." The relief in his voice as he breathed my name warmed my heart.

"For once the damsel in distress, I see."

"Maker, they didn't know how to take no for an answer." My heart thudded loudly in my chest at his half smile.

"You're lucky you were out of the fray here and on a scavenger hunt or you would have had to deal with them too."

"My circle of suitors wouldn't have lasted nearly as long as yours did. I have this reflex where I scare them away before they get too persistent." It was surprisingly easy to get comfortable and even flirtatious with Cullen here of all places. We danced to whatever song was in the background and spoke in barely audible tones.

"I don't plan to go anywhere."

"And you don't seem to scare easy." I smiled.

"Of what? Strange things happening? People falling out of the sky? I think I have seen and dealt with worse. In fact, I think I'm even enjoying myself."

"You? Enjoying yourself at the Winter Palace? Who'd have thought?" My gasp was sarcastic and I caught him laugh into my shoulder.

"I'm always so relieved when you come back. Especially when it involves you being conscious." Was he picking fun?

"Hmm, yes, the dragon. I hear Iron Bull caught me like a football..." I mused absently.

"Caught you like a what?"

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