How the Wardens Have Fallen

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"You're doing it again." Dorian's smug observation snapped me from my daze and I glanced back to see him looking at Odessa. I was thankful that most of them seemed to have run out of their usual line of questions about Drusilla and I, it made for more comfortable traveling.

Even with the Western Approach as large as it was, it still took some time to get people here to scout the place and I have a feeling Leliana had lost some on the way. It was probably those sections of refuse pools. That's what my twin and I had taken to calling them. The burning blighted bodies and polluted water...

I caught a slightly too defensive 'what are you talking about?' from our elven leader and Dorian only beamed at how easy she had made things for him.

"You. Staring off into the unknown. Thinking about a certain mage, perhaps?"

"I can't always think of you, Dorian. I would be forever heartbroken." She was so quick! Drusilla let out an approving cackle and met my mirthful gaze. I also felt just the tiniest bit guilty for being glad that our companions were back to their Lavellan focus.

With all that was going on around us, how could someone's love life be so interesting in comparison? I knew the answer, though. It was an easy diversion that didn't give you a hangover in the morning. Speaking of...I glanced at Drusilla again but she seemed no worse for wear.

"My, how tactful you've become. Bravo, my lady."

"I got my fill of this Game nonsense but bantering with you is so very enjoyable. My life is usually the last thing I am worried about, then. It's just you getting me to spill about everything that worries me."

"I hear it helps if you try not to look at my face- or hear my voice. Wait..."

Of course Blackwall was with us and we were about to meet up with Hawke and Logaine. I found myself worried for neither.

Bull and Varric were also along for the ride and I was steadily getting used to the variation of team numbers Odessa worked with. It was becoming less and less difficult to see this place passed its in-game version.

"This is all going to be demon binding, Warden sacrifices, and some shitty ass Venatori. Erimond will try to control your Mark. Just do your thing. He won't see it coming and he makes the funniest fucking face as he limps off." Drusilla murmured to Odessa as we neared Hawke and Warden Logaine.

"Sounds fun..."

"Like a Tuesday..." She had always wanted to use that line.

"Yes, exactly." Anytime either of us could get a laugh or a smile out of Odessa Lavellan was a tiny treasure because we may know the possibilities, but we weren't leading this shit.

"So, why are the Wardens being made to bind demons?" Blackwall spoke for the first time and Drusilla and I probably shared a wince.

"Corypheus is building a demon army..." Drusilla started.

"And Wardens, namely Warden mages are best for that, which is why most of the Warden mages will be lost to us when it comes time to fight."

"You're saying some might see reason?" Hope flashed in Odessa's eyes.

"They will at least see us as a refuge, a place where they will not have to worry about dying just so a demon can be bound to a mage." I sighed, glaring at the steps.

"Do you think we could...kill Erimond?"

All eyes turned to Drusilla and she rolled her eyes.

"Think about it. We have all of his info." She began, moving her index between herself and me."All he's going to try doing is fucking kill everyone here with his bound wardens and there are no warrior ones up there to save. He's a Venatori and I vote electrocution." She shrugged at the end and her face was passive. It was like she was talking about surviving a day at work without coffee.

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