Fuck the Forgotten Caverns

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“Do you know what’s causing all of this, Tear?” As if on cue, another earthquake shuddered through the camp.

“What do you know of Titans?”

“They’re like golems, right? But bigger.”

“Kind of. Once we get to the Wellspring you’ll see one known as the Guardian. Larger than life moving creature made of rocks and lyrium.”


“Yeah, and that’s after we fight...what are they called again? Brittle? Sha...Sha-Brytol. They have these guys called Bolters who use weapons similar to Bianca. You’re going to want to take them out first. Like the glowing red Emissary orbs, they can cause a lot of damage. Sha Brytol and Cretahl.” I only recalled both enemy names when I remembered Sophia saying they reminded her of Hansel and Gretel because their names matched.

“We should probably get moving in about an hour or so. There is a lot of work to do if we want to get this taken care of today along with another decent space to set up camp before the Wellspring.”

“Is that everything?”

“I try to remember everything, but when I can’t, I remember what’s most important. I can suggest a strategy once we get to the final camp.” I glanced at the tent Sophia was resting in and it seemed to catch Odessa’s attention.

“Do you have family back home? You two seem to act as though you are only used to having one another.” Just like that, all attention was on me.

What would I be okay with them knowing? What about Sophia?

“Not really. We had our mother for a time but something happened when we were fifteen and we never really saw her again.”

“No father?” It wasn’t judging, simply curious.

“Uh, no. We don’t remember him being in our lives. He could be dead. It doesn’t matter anyway. We are probably dead in our old world.” I mused.

“Wait. What happened when you were fifteen?” She backpedaled. I sent another look to Sophia’s tent before smiling wryly at the inquisitor living up to her new title.

“We became emancipated. Wait, do you have that here?”

“No. What does it mean?”

“We became adults legally. Our government recognized us as capable of taking care of ourselves.”

“Were you not close to your mother?”

“We were very close to her. The emancipation was not a choice she made nor one we made. I would rather we not get into it any further without my sister awake and involved.” I concluded as I stood.

“Shall we?” The hour had been stretched a little further out and I went in to check on Sophia. Despite her claims at not caring about her patients much, she had taken on the ability to sleep quietly and lightly so as not to rouse anyone. All it would take was a soft shake of her foot.

Shaper Valta had been quiet and stayed closer to Varric and other dwarves. She hadn’t seemed to hear much our conversation until recently.

“How is it you and your sister seem to know so much about these pathways and were able to solve those puzzles? You even know of these Sha Brytol?”

“The Inquisition employs a vast number of experts on things. My sister and I not only ran with some wardens for a time, but we are also known for being rather...intuitive.” Sophia said in her best Vivienne imitation. Just without the Orlesian accent.

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