Bite - Vampire!Tyler x Reader

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Requested by: ivaughan14

Y/N = Your Name

To say things in Amber Beach are strange is an understatement. With aliens constantly attacking, spandex superheroes always saving the day, and other odd things happening everyone always had to expect the unexpected which you always did. But this time, even you didn't expect anything like this to happen.

You had been noticing weird things about Tyler recently. He no longer smiled as much as he used to, his skin looked an almost deathly pale, occasionally you would see the color red flash in his eyes (which you were hoping was just you seeing things), he always had to leave his shift earlier than everyone else, and you swore you saw him staring at peoples' necks, especially your own.

That was very weird, and you were hoping that he was just sleep deprived and zoning out. Due to this you always tried to put on a big smile and make Tyler laugh as much as possible, and it was always worth it to see him flash his perfect smile.

You have always liked Tyler. In fact a little more than you would admit to the others. He always would make you laugh, was incredibly lively and adventurous, ready to take on the world one step at a time. He was almost always kind to others (except for that time with Ivan since he got angry over you helping Ivan get a jacket for some reason) and always helped you. Sometimes you would catch yourself staring at him and look away before he noticed, but the times you didn't catch yourself he would smile while you would shyly look down at your feet.


You had just finished your shift at the Dino Bite Cafe. You are about to leave when you hear pained groans nearby. "Hello?" You say as you walk out of the cafe. "Y/N. . . help me." You hear someone whisper as you look to your left to see Tyler, clutching on to a railing looking like he was about to collapse.

"Oh my god, Tyler!" You say as you rush to him. "Are you alright?" You ask. He replies with a muffled groan. "Here, let me help you." You say as you grab him and rest his arm on your shoulder as you lift him up.

You bring him to a table in the cafe. You rest him on a chair. "I'll go get a towel." You say as you get a towel from the kitchen, soak it in water, and bring it to Tyler. You lightly pat his forehead and mutter, "Dear lord." "What happened to you?" You ask. "I . . don't know." He barely breathes out. Now you're really wondering what happened to him.

"Well, it's going to be alright, okay?" You reassures him as you rub his shoulder. "I'll go get you some water." You say as you get up and go back to the kitchen.

You grab a cup from the cupboard. Right as you begin to fill it with water you hear him shriek in pain. You turn around to see he's fallen on the floor and is clutching on to his shirt, face contorting in pain. "Tyler!" You shout as you quickly set down the cup and run to him. You kneel down next to him. "Woah, woah, woah. Breathe, okay." You say as he begins to breathe again for a few seconds before he shrieks in pain again.

"Hey, just relax. Alright." You say as you begin to notice him staring at your neck. "Uh, What are you looking at? Is there something on my neck?" You ask. You see his eyes suddenly turn red. Not just a flash, fully turn red. Your eyes widen.

"What the heck?" You say as you slightly push yourself away. He slightly moves forward as you begin to back up. He suddenly lunges on you as you can feel a piercing pain on your neck. It felt like torcher. You hear your own screams while you see your blood spilling onto the floor as your vision fades into nothingness.


You gasp for air as you rise out of the bed. Wait, you were on a bed. You feel your neck to feel nothing. No puncture wounds. You breathe a sigh of relief. You realize it must have been a dream. You turn to your side to see Tyler next to your bedside. "Oh thank god. Tyler, I had the weirdest dream. It was with you and you were like a vampire or somethi-" You begin to say before he interrupts you. "It wasn't a dream." He quickly says.

"What do you mean? This is a joke, right?" You question. "No, It's not. I really wish it was, and I'm so sorry I did that to you. I couldn't control myself." He says earnestly as he looks at you. "Wait, what? Can you please explain?" You ask.

"Well, a few weeks ago I was walking home, and one a monster ambushed me. It sent something like bats and they bit me. Miss Morgan scanned me for things and said she saw slight changes in my DNA and that I have a much slower heart rate now. For the first few days I felt like I was going insane. I had this non-stop hunger for no reason and kept hearing everyone's heartbeats. When I told Miss Morgan this she scanned me a few more times and figured out I'm a vampire." Tyler says.

"Wait, Miss Morgan knows? Also, if you knew this why didn't you tell us?" You ask. "Well, Miss Morgan has been helping me through this and I didn't want you guys to be afraid of me, but now I know that you guys have good reason to be." He says as he stares down at the floor glumly. "Woah, you're still Tyler. There's not that much different about you. You're still one of my best friends. Nothing's going to change that. Even if you're a vampire." You assure.

"But you don't know what I've done to you!" He shouts. "Woah, calm down. You just bit me. You didn't kill me. You couldn't control yourself. It's not your fault." You say. "No, it is my fault. And, I didn't just bite you." He says. "What do you mean?" You ask. "When I bit you, I nearly killed you. I drank too much blood and you were about to die. I didn't want that to happen." He explains. "Then what did you do?" You ask.

"I turned you." He reveals.

You're shocked. You don't say anything for a little bit. "God, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I've tried to avoid this kind of thing happening. I'm so, so sorry." He says. "It's okay." You assure. "Huh?" He says. "You tried to do the right thing. You wanted me to survive." You say. "Yeah, but now you have to live with this curse too." Tyler says glumly. "Hey, it's alright. We'll work through this together, alright? It's not like you wanted to be a vampire." You say.

He continues to stare grimly at the floor. "Hey, if it makes you feel any better at least you won't have to struggle with this by yourself anymore." You say as you give him a small smile. He gives a small smile back before it fades. "How can you be so positive about this? I've turned you into. . . whatever I am." He says. "Because I still have you, and the others. While I might not really a big fan of this, I'm still alive. . . at least somewhat." You say.

After a few seconds he says, "I . . . I love you. You deserve better than this. I know this isn't the best time to confess, and you probably don't return my feelings. Actually, you probably hate me now." He says grimly. "No, I don't hate you. I love you too. I've actually liked you for the longest time." You say as you smile at each other. "Well, I guess we're going to spend eternity together or however long our lives are now." You say. "Yeah." Tyler says as he smiles at you.

You lean into his shoulder and go back to sleep. You are ready to take on the next few crazy days that are ahead of you. As long as you have your friends and Tyler by your side, you'll be happy. You go to sleep with a smile on your face as you see Tyler do the same.

Author's Note:
Alright, I hope that wasn't bad. I tried my best on that. I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and have a good day!

When Published: March 8, 2018

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