Blood and Wires - Vampire!Dillon x Reader

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Requested by: ivaughan14

Y/N = Your name

In the desolate world that you lived in now you had learned to expect the unexpected. Whether that be being randomly ambushed by a group of grinders or one of your friends suddenly trying to kill you because of Venjix machinery in them, you had to adapt to the situation, and adapt quickly, or else it would cost your life. It was screwed up, but that's sadly what the world is now.

Of course, you always held on to hope that things would get better. That's what pushes you to live, even after the deaths of your family and friends you kept pushing yourself to survive, not just for yourself, but for the sake of others. That's what caused you to become a ranger in the first place. Of course, that hope alone couldn't destroy all of Venjix's fleet, even with the support of the other 3 rangers.

That's when the odd, brooding loner who's look and clothes practically screamed "bad boy" showed up. Or rather blew up the Venjix barricade and forcefully drove himself and another guy through Corinth's shields during daylight. Same thing. That was the day that he saved you from getting killed by a death laser and he was simultaneously arrested for having Venjix hardware in him.

Something about him and what he did caused you to want to give him a second chance when everyone else was against the idea. You interrogated him and realized he could be useful to the team, and the prison footage of him fighting against his inmates proved that.

Even though he was incredibly cocky and was a bit of a jerk he fit right in the weird group. He even brought Ziggy, the guy who was in the car with him, out of jail when he accepted the offer to join them. Ziggy also ended up being a good fit to the team, even though everyone except you and Dillon thought he wouldn't be a good ranger.

You always had an odd liking for the loner, possibly in a way you still didn't completely understand, and it seemed like he surprisingly liked you too. He wasn't great at showing it, or any emotions at all, but you could tell. He just wasn't used to people anymore after losing most of his memories, but you all helped him get at least somewhat used to society.

Of course, he had a streak of going rogue in an attempt to find his sister which you understood since you knew that you would have done the same if there was even a fraction of a percent chance that one of your friends or family was still alive.

Dillon has some habits you found out by just watching him like how he always leave at night about every 2-3 days. I mean, who wouldn't need to get a breath of fresh air (or more accurately smoke and radiation filled air because there wasn't exactly any fresh air left) during a time like this? You always assumed it was to clear his head, but occasionally some strange things would appear the day after. You had seen tiny drops of what appeared to be blood a couple of times, a dead rat that somehow looked pale once, and a couple of other strange things.

After the days he would go out to clear his head he almost seemed more energetic, well, as energetic as Dillon could be (which really wasn't much), like his skin had regained color, as odd as that sounds, and fought grinders and Venjix's attackbots better. Honestly you were pretty happy about those times he would go out because it always seemed like some sort of miracle worker for the guy.

As the curious person you were you did wonder what he did during those times. Did he listen to his watch's tunes? Did he think about his sister and where she could be? Did wonder what his life was like before Venjix? Did he wonder what it felt like to be completely human? You didn't know, and you knew you probably never would, but you were fine with that. You just hoped he would be able to discover those things for himself.

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