Quinn x Chase - An Alternate Path (heroes don't always come in capes)

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To clarify, this is a one shot for my OC Power Rangers Dino Charge story The Waitress. You don't need to have read it to understand this one shot, but essentially Quinn and Chase hated each other for a year or so. Quinn is not a ranger (at least not yet) but has been friends with Shelby for a long time and worked at the Dino Bite Cafe for a year or two now. She sees Chase as just a womanizer and playboy, but after being kidnapped together in S1 E4 and arguing their differences away she tries to be nice to him. They grow a bit closer and come to understand each other more and more. Their dynamic is kind of enemies to friends to lovers if you will. Chase hasn't ever really hated her and has come to really care for her.

This one shot takes place during the original episode (written by muah) "Death of a Bachelorette" where (in the original) Quinn was badly injured after jumping in front of a near fatal blast to save Riley from a powerful monster. In the book, during the first half, Quinn tries to find out why her friends are always gone. When she finds out they're Rangers she tries to make herself useful by fighting against the monsters, even though she isn't a ranger herself. This episode/plot point is what changes that.

However, in this one shot things will go and end differently as you will see. If you want, you can also read this as an x reader and see yourself as Quinn. Although she has a very sarcastic personality. Enjoy!

season: dino charge
pairing: quinn willows/chase randall
genre/summary: heartfelt (a little sappy and emotional but i hope y'all still like it lol)

QUINN'S HEAD WAS POUNDING loudly as she watched the scene unfold before her. She had tried to fight off that. . . thing in front of her, but it was too powerful. The rangers were all being brushed aside and cut through like nothing by the creature. The tall robot with the dead, read, plastic eyes had defeated almost every ranger, causing them all to lie demorphed on the ground-barely able to move.

Well, except for Tyler. He was still morphed, barely, and fought off the monster as best as he could. With a sweeping kick there, a well placed punch here, and a good blast there-it almost seemed like he would be able to take him down. But the monster met him punch for punch and when Tyler aimed a forceful punch his way, the creature caught it. A deadly singe was heard and burned through part of Tyler's suit causing him to demorph. The robot then quickly threw him aside like he was just a feather. Absolutely nothing.

Tyler tried to get up, but just like everyone else he could barely move his arms and just fell back down. He wasn't yet defeated, but he felt close to that, and Quinn could see it in the slowly fading, determined gleam in his eyes.

The creature only laughed maniacally at this. A guttural, low, bellowing chuckle came out as he spun the tip of his blade below Tyler's face. "Ah, it seems I have defeated the mighty Power Rangers," He said, tilting his head stiffly at Tyler. "Pity. I thought you would have put up more of a fight," He retracted the blade from Tyler's head, choosing to walk around the group of battle-worn heroes. "I have defeated you for my ruler, Sledge. You have fought against him and destroyed many of his best men. For that, I will not show you any mercy. First, I will kill. . ." He glanced at the many rangers, staring him dead in the eye in defiance. Eventually, his eyes settled on a certain ranger. ". . you, black ranger."

Chase attempted to get up and fight, but it was no use. Even if he could move fast enough, he wouldn't be able to fight off the robot who was quickly unsheathing his sword. The others feared the worst, attempting to save their friend.

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