Now Closed!

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Hello everyone. I am sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been updating my OC story, and been writing way too many drafts because I have way too many ideas. I have decided to close this because of 2 reasons.

1.) I just don't have the time. I have to focus on school, and I focus on my other stories. Also I have way too many drafts. Like, literally 23 at this point. Idek what I'm doing at this point with those drafts. I have way too many ideas so I plan to make a Power Rangers Plot Shop.

2.) I just haven't really wanted to write these in a while for some reason. I really don't know why because I do like all of your guys' ideas, and I have a lot of fun writing them. Right now it's that weird time where I don't want to write certain things for some reason.

I will write, finish, and publish the last three one shots that have been requested when I have the time and stop being lazy, but after that this story will be on hiatus, at least the request part will. Maybe I'll write an original idea for Power Rangers into a one shot when I want to. Sorry to disappoint all of you. Thank you for all the support and reading this so many times! I really appreciate it and I'm so happy that you all liked this book so much. I hope to come back in a few weeks, or whenever I feel like it, and be better than ever and keep writing these.

Thank you all so much. You've been wonderful.

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