Six Months | Chapter One

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Lloyd's POV

I threw my mask down in frustration. I watched as the masked criminals disappeared, I had lost them. Once again we- no I failed to catch the criminals. We had been following this lead for months. I was the only one who was available when they mysteriously  popped up again, and part of me knew I should've called for backup. I should've put the whole team in perspective, but once again the Mighty Green Ninja failed. I knew the team would be disappointed, but I knew Kai would be furious. It was no secret that the masked men had taken his and Nya's parents. I combed my hand through my hair, which had grown to my shoulders. "Master Lloyd..Lloyd? Are you there?" Pixal asked worriedly. Her new processor allowed her to feel emotions, and boy were her and Zane happy about that. Even if she was stuck in a computer, she was free to feel however she pleased. I couldn't help the small smile that crept onto my face, it was nice to know there were still people who cared for me."Yeah I'm here, it's time to get the team back together" I replied, I was determined to get these criminals behind bars. The team had split up to do solo missions to find Wu, meaning most of the team haven't seen eachother in six months. I quickly drove towards the Floating Temple, contemplating what to say to the team. 'What would they say after six months, would they be mad? Had their leads proved more fruitful?' I was so caught up in my thoughts again before I knew it I was there. I started to panic, a hidden fear of mine rising up. 'What if they're so mad they decide to find a new master?' I forced myself to push my fear aside as I opened the door to the temple.

As soon as I walked in the door, there was a heavy tension in the room. Some people had spent these six months only with their partners, and some had solo missions. "Where's my pudding cup, Cole?!" Jay asked, accusingly waving a spoon in his face. "I don't know Jay! Why would I take your nasty pudding?!" Cole sneered. I rolled my eyes, it was clear six months was too long for them.  Quietly in the corner Nya, Zane and Kai were deep in an argument. More anxiety bubbled inside of me as I approached the group. "Uh guys?"  I asked, my voice going unnoticed. I rolled my eyes, after six months you'd think they'd notice when I arrived. "GUYS!" I yelled, finally they all looked up at me. "Lloyd!" Jay exclaimed, tossing his spoon to the side. Nya came over and greeted me as well. "How did your mission go?" Kai asked eagerly, his voice hopeful. My stomach dropped, of course that would be the first thing he'd want to know. I took a deep breath, before lifting my gaze from the floor. "They got away" I whispered, Kai frowned before slamming his fist on the table.  I widened my eyes, I knew he wouldn't take it well. You see these criminals weren't just some lowly thieves or overpowered elemental masters. They were a part of a gang, called Sons of Garmadon. We had heard rumors of them wanting to resurrect my father. While we were out  searching for Master Wu, they started  kidnapping people. It started with just one or two people, then families, and then whole cities were  gone. They had taken Kai and Nya's parents before we split up for six months. I had given everyone leads, some of the leads were to where Wu might be; like Jay and Cole. But others were about the SOG. "I'm sure you tried your best Lloyd" Zane encouraged, with a soft smile which I returned. "How did everyone else's missions go?" I asked. 'Maybe they found Wu, then we could have a proper leader' I thought hopefully.
"Ours  was a bust, just some old guy with dementia" Cole shrugged. "We had an encounter with a gang member, they've definitely improved and have much better weapons" Zane explained. I saw Kai tense up, it was likely the weapons were forged by his parents. I sighed, we weren't getting anywhere. "What about you Nya?" I asked. "Well I had a small confrontation with some disgusting men, but I don't think they're with the SOG" Nya explained. "Six months," Kai spoke up. We all turned to look at him. "SIX MONTHS!" He screamed, throwing a glass against the wall. I gasped, as Zane left to fetch a broom. "They've been missing for six months, and we have no leads" He exclaimed, his voice wavering. "You were the only one with a decent lead, and instead of calling for backup" Kai said getting up in my face.

A/N: Here's Chapter One of the newly edited version! I'm hoping to finish the makeover by tomorrow but I'm not completely sure. I added a new cover, so this book might look a little different but I'm hoping it's for the better. If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions I'd love to hear it!
-Elizabeth <3

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