Dead or Alive? | Chapter Nine

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Kai's Pov

I felt awful, Jay's temperature was dropping rapidly and he was turning blue. I had gotten so caught up in finding my parents and being the hero, I had forgotten they were all my family. If I hadn't left this entire thing wouldn't have happened. "We need to take him to my mom!" Lloyd said, rushing over. 'When did him and Cole leave?!' I realized. "She knows all about the elements, she must have something in her lab that can help!" He exclaimed. "I scanned him for an assessment, no results" Zane said, catching them up. Lloyd nodded, biting his lip. "That's okay, send the falcon with a message to my mom" He ordered. "Kai help me carry Jay to the boat, we can't waste any time" He commanded, I obliged. He was a much better leader than I could ever be. "No! I don't want him touching Jay" Cole cried, pushing me away from Jay. I was taken aback. I deserved it though, I caused this whole thing. "Cole, you're still shaken up, let Kai and I carry him" Lloyd said calmly. Cole went to argue but Lloyd cut him off. "Plus if someone was going to attack us we'd need you to protect us" He added, seeming to convince Cole.

Lloyd's Pov

Once we got Jay back to the boat we started the long trip back. Zane had been suspiciously quiet about this whole thing. "Nya, Cole can you stay and watch over Jay?" I asked. The two didn't respond, busy wiping his forehead with a rag. 'Those two won't let anything happen to them, I need to check on Zane' I thought, heading towards the other end of the ship. "Zane?" I asked the nindroid. He seemed lost in thought. "Is everything alright? You seemed distant" I asked, hoping to get some kind of answer. "No, I'm sorry Lloyd I haven't been completely honest with you" He admitted, guiltily turning back to the ship's controls.

"About the bell thing? We'll talk about that later" I reassured, I had more important things to worry about. Zane shook his head. "No, I haven't been honest about Jay's condition" He admitted, sighing deeply. Now that scared me more than Morro. "What do you mean?" I asked cautiously. "Do you recall when Cole used his earth punch on those vermillion warriors?" He asked, gripping the steering wheel tightly. I nodded, of course I did. "Yeah, the vermillion disintegrated immediately-" I gasped, covering my mouth. If the punch did that to the vermillion, what would it do to Jay? "I fear he's slowly disappearing too, he seems to be fighting it, but not enough" Zane explained, his iron hands making imprints on the steering wheel. "Why don't you let me steer, while you clear your head?" I asked, taking the steering wheel from him, before he could crush it. "Thank you Lloyd, I seem to have lost my cool" He scolded himself, leaving the room. I had so much to think about, why would Jay take the punch instead of just letting Cole hit the wall. 'What if he disappears for good? Will we have to find an heir for his power? He doesn't have any siblings or children of his own' I thought, dreading the worst. I was the Master, I had to think of every outcome. I hated the idea of replacing Jay, but for the safety of Ninjago it had to be considered. "Lloyd, We're almost to land" Nya yelled from the deck. Let's just hope my mom has something to help reverse this. 

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