The Plan | Chapter Four

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Jay's Pov

The plan was fool proof, we could defeat the Sons of Garmadon, which would convince Kai and his group to come back. "Jay I never get to say this, but your plan is brilliant!" Zane exclaimed. I chuckled, Zane made an insult without even knowing it! "Thanks, getting Lloyd to agree to my plan, or our plan won't be easy" I explained, letting Zane's accidental insult roll off my back like water. 'Water, Nya was the Master of Water. Oh how much I missed her' My heart ached, she had only been gone a day and it already felt like a piece of me was missing. We only saw each other three times in six months, I kinda expected us to get to spend more time together before we split off again. "Well since you came up with it, why don't you present it to him?" Zane suggested. "Okay, but you're coming with me in case you gotta bail me out!" I exclaimed with a chuckle.

We walked into the training room, where Lloyd had been working since last night. He was hunched over a stack of crumpled papers, something told me he hadn't come up with a plan.

"Hey, any new plans?" I asked sitting beside him. I grabbed a piece of paper covered in gibberish and doodles. "Um, that's the thing" He stammered, scratching the back of his neck. I gave him a reassuring smile, we all knew how hard he was on himself. "I believe Jay might have the answer to your problems" Zane added, sitting beside us. Lloyd's eyes widened and he immediately sat up straighter. "Really?!" He asked hopefully. I sighed, I would feel awful if I got his hopes up. "Well I was thinking back to when you gave us our powers, you know when you rang the bell" I explained, biting my lip. Lloyd nodded, his green eyes practically begging me to go on. "I did a bit of research, and it seems you can reverse it" I continued. "What exactly are you suggesting?" Lloyd asked cautiously. I looked to Zane for help. "We believe you may be able to destroy the Sons of Garmadon and prevent your father's resurrection" He explained. "I'm still not fully catching on" Lloyd explained, his eyes darting from Zane to mine. "If you had your golden power back, if we returned them to you" I offered. "No! No! I will not take your powers back!" He exclaimed, his hand running through his hair. "Are you insane?! I could barely deal with the pressure last time!" Lloyd stressed, he was practically tearing his hair out. "Lloyd, it'll all be okay. You wouldn't be alone, and this seems to be the only option" Zane explained, his hand resting on Lloyd's shoulder... just like the weight of the world. "If Zane and I give you our powers it'll only be half of your power" I added. "Enough!" He yelled, standing up. "I don't want them back, they caused me and the people I love so much pain" He sighed. "This time will be different, Zane and I can protect you we-" I started. "No Jay! I said enough! You need to learn boundaries!" He exploded. I stepped back, I was literally shocked. No pun intended. "Okay, I'll leave you alone" I mumbled, walking to the door. "Maybe you can come up with a better plan on your own" I snapped, leaving the room. 'I shouldn't have snapped, he probably thinks I'm as bad as Cole. He just doesn't understand, it's not easy to just decide to give up your powers for someone' I thought making my way to the kitchen. 'Maybe I can come up with a better "plan" to get him on board, if this is the only hope for Ninjago... I'll do whatever it takes' 

Nya's Pov

We had been walking for hours, each minute I spent arguing with myself. 'I should've never left, what was I thinking?!' I scolded myself. This entire thing was confusing, Kai refused to tell us where we were going. Saying we needed to "Trust Him" which I was having a hard time doing. I knew Kai wanted to find our parents, but it was silly to separate our team. But personally I think one team was better than two. "We're here!" Kai exclaimed. We had ventured into an abandoned part of Ninjago. I realized it was starting to look familiar. "The old monastery?" Cole asked, tilting his head. The pile of rubble could barely be seen from the bottom of the worn out stairs. "It's not much, but we can clean it up" Kai marvelled, walking up the steps. I sighed, this was the last place I wanted to be.

We walked up all the steps, I seriously felt bad for our mailman. "Okay, what's the plan?" Cole asked eagerly. I stayed silent, the less I participated the better I felt. "Well, I think we need to clean this place up and come up with a group name" Kai elaborated. I facepalmed internally, this was my brother's plan? "You can't seriously not have a plan right?" I asked, speaking for the first time in hours. Kai turned around to me, his arms crossed. "Yeah maybe I do" I muttered under my breath. Cole whistled before excusing himself from the conversation. "Well enlighten me then" Kai scoffed. "Well we should go look for leads, oh wait all the software is back at home" I pointed out. "We'll find the Sons of Garmadon without all that stuff" He reassured. I rolled my eyes, typical Kai. "Right now I'm more worried about what the others are doing" He admitted.

A/N: So I'm trying to change the storyline up, I don't really understand why I had made Kai so evil before, so I'm trying to make him more true to character. If you have any suggestions or ideas let me know! - Elizabeth <3

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