The Calm Before The Storm | Chapter Twelve

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Jay's Pov

It didn't take me long to realize who the voices belonged to. Nya's sweet voice filled my ears. After a couple more minutes I was able to figure out Kai was in here as well.  I really was having to use all my strength to strain my hearing. I begged my eyes to open, I wanted nothing more than to see Nya again. But my senses betrayed me, my eyes fluttering under the lids. "Hey Kai?" Nya asked, breaking the silence. 'Nya! I'm here!" I tried to yell. "Yeah?" Kai replied, his voice was hoarse. 'Why is everyone so upset?' I wondered, I mean I knew I was basically in a coma. But it wouldn't be long until whatever this was passed, I'm sure of it. "Thank you for staying here with me" She thanked, I could almost feel  her smile. "Of course, I'm gonna head to grab something to eat, wanna come with?" Kai asked, the sound of metal chairs scraping the floor. "Please don't leave me alone again!" I pleaded, but no one could hear. "Sure" Nya finally replied, the door shutting behind them. 'This is a punishment worst than death" I thought sullenly. 

Zane's Pov

Hours, Hours, and even more hours. We had done everything we could to find a cure.  Misako and I had searched every relic, every scroll, every tome. Nothing. It was killing me, well metaphorically speaking. I had reason to believe Jay was aware, I could sense activity in his brain, but yet he remained unresponsive. We had tried sending in Nya and Kai, but he still proved to be in a comatose state. "Zane, we're gonna grab something to eat ya coming?" Nya asked, grabbing her wallet. 'If I leave, Jay's condition worsens?' I worried. Misako had made the day's trip to visit Mystake, seeing if she had something for Jay. Nya stood in the doorway of the office, an impatient look on her face. "Zane?" She asked, swinging her wallet around in her hand. I turned, trying to figure out what to do. Nya's gaze softened. "Zane, I really appreciate all you're doing to take care of Jay, but he'd want you to take care of yourself" She reassured, I had to remember she was going through a lot too. "I know, I think I'll stay" I finally replied, my stomach rumbling. Sure I was a Nindroid but I still needed the basic human functions. "But you all should go!" I added, I was sure Misako had some snacks hidden somewhere. Before Nya could reply I excused myself from the room. I was worried about leaving Jay alone for too long. I had this terrible feeling that something bad was about to happen. I opened the door to the room we had renamed "Jay's" and took my seat by the window. 'How did this all happen so fast? It felt like just yesterday we were eating dinner and they were all teasing me about my apron' I sighed, watching as my friends pull out of the driveway. 

After an hour or two I started to contemplate my decision. I started dozing off when I heard slight shuffling. I snapped my head up to see Jay tossing in his sleep. 'Finally! He's making progress, it was worth it!' I celebrated. "Jay!  Jay!" I shouted, shaking him slightly. He quickly stopped shaking and calmed back down. I sighed, I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I sat back down to read a book. I was about two pages in when a giant crash landed on the roof. 'SOG'S?!' I immediately panicked, rushing outside. I was about to attack when a giant screech filled the air. I cocked my head in confusion, typically the villains attacked... they didn't scream like a three year old. "Zane!! You almost froze me to death!" The figure exclaimed jokingly. "Lloyd?!' I exclaimed, the green clad stepping out of the shadows. "The one and only" he joked half-heartily. I took note of his attitude, this entire situation was confusing. "I thought you and the others went to eat?" I asked, they shouldn't have been back for another half hour. "I was going to go, but once I got there it just didn't feel right leaving you here alone" He explained, a smile spreading across my face. "I brought take out for both of us" He added, lifting a plastic bag in front of my face. 

Jay's Pov

I heard laughing as the door opened 'They're back? Already?!' I asked myself eagerly. I had finally gained some control on my body and was able to move around a bit. It didn't last long. "So Zane..Any news on Jay?" A voice asked, I quickly identified it as Lloyd. The room was so silent I could hear chewing. 'GROSS!' I thought in disgust. "Sadly no, we haven't discovered anything except his rapid disappearing" Zane replied, his voice heavy. 'Disappearing?! I'm disappearing?!' I screamed internally, this couldn't get any worse... But somehow I knew it would 

A/N: Hope y'all enjoy this chapter! My entire life is kinda been flipped upside down. Between family drama, sudden career changes and friends being jerks... I haven't been able to write, but I'm back! 

So I hope you enjoy this chapter and if you have any suggestions or ideas for stories leave em in the comments below!!

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