Boat or Dragon? | Chapter Six

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Cole's Pov

'So they're planning on recovering the gold mech' I thought, spying from the window. After the battle we had returned the remains of the mech to the dark island. It was still out of commission, so I wasn't sure what they were going to do with it. 'They have Jay, he can probably get it put back together' I realized. "Cole did you find anything out?" Kai asked, his voice coming through my intercom. "They are going to the dark island, Jay plans on fixing the mech" I explained, spawning my dragon.

Lloyd's Pov

~The next morning~

I was a little confused about why Jay and Zane wanted the mech. I was almost positive it was destroyed, leaving only its remains at the temple. It was very suspicious, but I had learned to trust a nindroid. "I think this is everything" I said wiping my brow. We had packed a boat full of supplies, weapons, a first aid kit, food, water, the essentials. We had gone against using our dragons, they were a waste of energy and would give us away easily. I was still really torn about this whole thing, It just wasn't the same without the others, and sailing would be a lot harder without Nya. "Jay hurry up!" I yelled, climbing into the boat with Zane. "Sorry! I needed to take care of one more thing" He said sheepishly, flipping into the boat. I rolled my eyes as I chuckled. 'It's too early for Jay's antics.' I thought, as we raised the anchor. 'Oh my, I'm becoming my father' I chuckled. We were lucky to have acquired a really nice boat. Jay had arranged a deal with some rich guy to let us use his boat. I wasn't fully sure how he convinced him, I wasn't going to ask. "Hey Lloyd, how are you feeling about this whole thing?" Jay asked out of the blue. "Want me to be honest?" I asked, staring out into the blue horizon. Jay nodded, his head propped up on his arm. I sighed, I wasn't even sure how I really felt. "I don't know, I just have this feeling that something bad is going to happen" I confessed. I couldn't explain it, I just had this feeling someone was going to get hurt on this island. My worst fears were slowly coming true, half my teammates hate me and left, and now someone might get hurt at this island. I shook my head, sending blonde locks in front of my face. I pushed them out of my eyes, finally looking up at Jay. "No one will get hurt, we'll protect you" He reassured, a look of confidence in his eyes. I smiled a fake smile, It wasn't me I was worried about.

Cole's Pov

"Ok, we'll take our dragons and fly just high enough so they can't see us" Kai explained, watching the boat sail further and further away. "We can get to the island first and check out the mech" I added, a smile creeping onto my face. I didn't feel right about this whole thing, but if we could get the mech and have Nya fix it up, we could end the Sons of Garmadon. 'If Kai was the "winning" team, maybe he'd let us go back to being one team... since our mission would be complete' I thought hopefully. "Won't we be exhausted from riding that far? Sure, we've gotten stronger since last time but-" Nya suggested, before Kai cut her off. "No! We'll be faster on a dragon then a boat, don't forget who's the leader of this team" Kai cautioned. We both nodded silently, what else was there to say? "Wait, Lloyd's the only one who can work the mech, why do we want it?" Nya asked me, quietly whispering as Kai wandered off. 'Wait she's right, why does Kai want it so badly then?' I asked myself. 

A/N: Chapter Six done! It's officially ALL new content from this point, so I'm excited to take this book in a direction hopefully will surprise you(but let's be honest y'all know where this is going XD) 

Hope you're liking this book <3 - Elizabeth

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