Distractions | Chapter Thirteen

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Cole's Pov

It had been nearly a week since the... incident. Misako said there wasn't anything we could do to help Jay, so it was best for us to continue our normal ninja duties. We were currently heading downtown to a SOG sighting. The team had fallen back into place, we were all so worried about Jay we really couldn't be bothered to argue or fight. Lloyd and Kai still had some unresolved issues, and trust me it wasn't perfect. But we really were a team again, dare I say a family. "Last one there does the dishes!" Kai announced, whizzing by on his dragon. I gasped, I hated doing the dishes. 

It wasn't long until we all arrived, at the EXACT. SAME. TIME. This happened more likely than not, so we normally grabbed some food from Skylor's that way no one had to do dishes. "Where did they go?" I asked, walking around the abandoned city. People really didn't take this lightly. "Over there!" Kai exclaimed, pointing to a red SOG. We ran after him, jumping roof to roof. They led us to an abandoned warehouse, it looked like it was going to fall over. "Why did they lead us here?" I wondered aloud. "Maybe they're stealing old parts for something?" Nya asked. "Or maybe it's a trap!" Lloyd exclaimed paranoid, looking around frantically. 'This whole "Jay" situation really is taking its toll on everyone' I thought, examining some empty crates. "I don't know bud, I think this might be something even bigger" Kai sighed, that remark made me stop in my tracks. 'Bud? Had they talked out everything?" I wondered. "I don't sense anyone HEEEERE" Zane exclaimed, falling into a hole in the ground. "Zane!" We all exclaimed as we all bumped into each other... falling in the hole. "Well, you all made this job way too easy" a voice chuckled. We all turned around to see the Sons of Garmadon in front of us. "Nice of you all to DROP in!" The blue one joked, earning what I assumed was a  glare from the others. 'They really do seem like the budget version of us' I joked. 

Kai's Pov

"Attack!" The Green one ordered. 'That's so surprising.. not!' I thought, rolling my eyes. "I love kicking some butt in the mid afternoon!" I joked, attacking my knock off. The red one matched my every. move. "Hey it's just like what happened back at Darkley's with the clones!" I exclaimed, finally landing a hit. "You're right!" Cole chimed in. "How did you defeat them? These are real people!" Nya grunted. "I think" She added quickly, we shouldn't assume anything... this is Ninjago after all. "Master Garmadon is going to be pleased" Red announced pushing me to the ground. "Garmadon?!" I asked. 'What the heck would they need him for? Couldn't they let the poor man rest in peace?' I thought sadly.  "You idiots fell right into our trap, we never needed anything from you" The one in black explained. "We just needed to keep you busy" Green SOG added, I shared a frantic look with Lloyd. The SOG'S regrouped. I counted, something seemed off. Red, White, Grey, Green, Black. "Hey where'd the blue one go?!" I asked, this couldn't end well. "Oh he's keeping us busy" The one in White chuckled. "Package...?" Lloyd asked nervously. We all had an inkling feeling on what it might be. "We gotta run, nice playing with ya!" The Red one patronized. "What?! They can disappear into thin air?!" I exclaimed, this was suddenly seeming very unfair. "Where do you think they went?" Cole asked, looking for a way out. We all sat for a moment before the answer became clear to us all. "THE LAB!" 

A/n: Any ideas where this is going? ;) 

 I'd also like to thank you all, you're seriously the best and every time I get a notification you never fail to make me smile. SO THANK YOU! <3 

- Elizabeth <3

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