Callie + mitchel

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    Callie's POV
I was sitting in the bathtub with candles lit and listening to calming music untill I heard the front door open and I new it was Mitchel so I went ahead and got out and wrapped up and a towel and walked toward the door and I seen mitchel standing by the kitchen holding flowers and a huge teddy bear.
"Hey babe" mitchel said getting my attention
"Hey" I said a little worried remembering what he said earlier today on the phone.
"I got u some gifts" he said  in a sadish ton and handing me the bear and flowers and I grabbed them
"So what where you doing while I was gone" mitchel asked breaking the silence
"Taking a relaxing bath like u said on your note" I said
"Well you go get dressed because we are going out ok? " he said
"Where are we going? " I asked
"Its a surprise" he said while smirking and turning around and walking toward the fridge and I went to the room to change.
    Mitchel's POV
I got myself a drink and then walked outside to think for a little while waiting for callie to get ready.
I was standing outside  looking at the sunset and reached in my pocket and grabbed a little black box and opened it to look at the beautiful promise ring I got callie and  I pulled the ring out and read the words carved on the inside 'c+m' I had the ring made specifically for callie and  I was planning on giving it to her tonight.
Callie walked out and I quickly put the ring back in the box and put it back in my pocket and I turned around to see callie in a beautiful white dress.

"Wow! " was all I could say"What?" Callie said a little worried like something was wrong"Nothing, your just beautiful" and when I said that I noticed callie blushing and I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the lips and intertwined our finger...

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"Wow! " was all I could say
"What?" Callie said a little worried like something was wrong
"Nothing, your just beautiful" and when I said that I noticed callie blushing and I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the lips and intertwined our fingers and led her to the car so we could go out do dinner.

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