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Thousands of questions flashed in my mind...

Finally, I was taken out of my thoughts by him saying, ”I.... I’m in love”
This was enough to surprise me or rather shock me. Tris was finally able to fall in love. I never thought it would ever happen..... a boy like him falling in love once more after all this  ?
“I’m in love”, he repeated, ensuring that I heard him.
‘WHAT??!!?’--- I thought to myself.
I felt a dull ache in my heart. I felt my heart breaking down into pieces. Oh no! I’m becoming over-protective.
I nodded my head to take off all these silly thoughts out of my head. After all, he is just my best friend, and nothing else.
I must be happy for him that he has moved on in his life and found a new girl. May be, this NEW girl will help him to forget about Annabelle, the bitch who broke Tris’s heart when we were in the ninth grade in MVHS, Mount Valley High School.
I lost myself in several thoughts.
He spoke up once again, ”Sooo??!”
“Hmmm, good!”, I finally managed to say.
“Only this much?!”,he asked in disbelief.
“What else to say? ... Hope that you will be happy with your new love.”, I said, sadness overflowing in my voice.
I couldn’t understand why I was feeling so sad. I was acting like a jerk.


Hey friends !!! It's d 8th chapter of the story. 😙

Plz VOTE if u liked it, which I hope u did. 😇

Hey!! Tristan is in love !!!!!!! 😚😏😜....
But with whom ?

Will it break Kate's heart even if she already has a boy friend???
How much will it affect her ?
Plz comment. 😝

Please share your views. 😃
Readers' views are respected!😄

I'll answer d questions that may arise in ur mind, soon in d coming chapters. 😋

ALONE ...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon