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He had booked a ticket for me from before.
So, this time there was no argument for managing a seat for me. LOL!!!

But, I’m very sad at this moment because of what Tris told me about Mrs. Ford when we were in the plane.

Mrs. Ford, whom I called ‘Mama’ was suffering from Blood Cancer. Previous year she took her last breath. And the thing that worries me the most is before dying she took my name and told Tris to convey her love to me. She loved me so much and I never even thought of taking her permission before leaving her house. The thing that adds to my grief is that I’ll not even get the chance to say her SORRY.
Pa i.e., Mr. Ford is well now but after mama’s death it took a lot of time for him to overcome the initial pain.

At the present moment I’m sitting beside Tris in his Lamborghini listening to the music in radio.

“Am I forgiven??” I ask in fear. 

“IT DEPENDS!” he said a matter-of-factly.

Oh! How confusing he has become.

“Please… forgive me. I know that I’ve done something that’s not to be forgiven. But..”

“If you know that it’s not to be forgiven, then why are you askin’?” he says harshly.

He has become so rude. May be, I’m the cause. GOD! CURSE ME!!!

“How come you know my address?” I ask.

“I didn’t until previous week. Only last month when I attended a party meeting in NYC, I got a snap of the whole group. Since, the group was large, I didn’t see everyone properly. Next morning, when I was admiring the photo as it looked nice, my eyes suddenly came across a very familiar face. I scrutinized it properly, and undoubtedly,  it were you. So, I got the first clue that the girl whom I am searching for such a long time, is somewhere near NYC. And thus, I get started with the mission to find out that specific someone.
The Smiths have left California a year ago. And I knew that Ryan knew something special about you, as he was beat badly by his evil brother the morning after you went away. So, I called Ryan for some clue.
He said that he helped you in running away but that he was disconnected from you since then. He also told me the rest of the rest of the story behind this. But the next day, he called me back and said that his friend, Peter who had helped you a lot in establishing yourself in USA can help me by giving some added info.
So, I contacted him and finally got your address a week ago. But I thought that as I’ve waited for this moment for such a long period of time, so why not wait a bit longer to make it much more special. And yes, YOU ARE FORGIVEN.” He says at one go and then starts panting, longing for fresh air to breath.

This is d next chappie... 😚
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