Chapter 1: The Exes

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4:30 P.M, Seulgi's House, Daegu

Seulgi's thoughts: Man, Daegu High School is so hard!! I have a freaking ten page essay due tomorrow and freaking four unit exams tomorrow too!!!! UGGGHHH!!!

Seulgi: Mom!! School's so hard!!

Seulgi's Mom: Well maybe if you don't procrastinate, school would be much easier. You know those were assigned like, last week... right...?

Seulgi's thoughts: Wait, then that means... this was all my fault! All the stress, all the panicking... I'm basically torturing myself!! Why didn't I do this earlier. GODDAMMIT!!

(Seulgi's Dad came home from work, all happy and smiling)

Seulgi's Dad: Hello everyone!! I've got some exciting news!! You all know how little money I get from this job in Daegu right?

(Seulgi and her mom nodded)

Seulgi's dad: I got a job in Seoul!!! There's this company in Seoul called EQ Tech and they hired me!! How awesome is that???

Seulgi's Mom: Oh honey, that is indeed very awesome!!

Seulgi's thoughts: Ahh, Seoul. Whenever I hear that word, the first thing that comes up into my mind is Jimin. He was my first love and I had tons of unforgettable memories with him back when I was dating him. This should be exciting.

Seulgi: Oh my god!! REALLY?! I'm so excited to come back to Seoul!! I'm gonna see my old friends again, gonna eat Seoul food again, and everything else!!

Seulgi's mom: I'm glad you're excited sweetie. Let's start packing and get down there now!!

Seulgi's dad: Yes!! Let's do it now!

5:00 P.M, Busan High School Main Office, Busan

Counselor: So, what can I do for you today Bambam?

Bambam: Well, you see, I really want to attend this college in America called "The College of California" to major in vocal music. I was wondering if you know the requirements to get into that college.

Counselor: Hang on, let me check the program.

(2 minutes later)

Counselor: Ahh! Here we go. There are many minor requirements, however the main requirement is to attend this high school in Seoul called "Seoul High School" and you have to attend at least 3 years in there. 3 years required, 4 years recommended. Since you attended this school for 1 year now, you still have a chance because the requirements is 3 years.

Bambam's thoughts: Seoul. Hmm, why does that word sound so... familiar.... wait a minute! MINA!! MY EX GIRLFRIEND!! Goddamn do I miss her! Does she miss me too? Does she still live there? I hope so. Does she have a new boyfriend?! Hopefully not. I will literally beat him up to death.

Bambam: Yes, yes please!! I've attended elementary and middle school there!! How can I get in?

Counselor: Perfect! I will sign this contract, put it in a letter, give it to you so that when you arrive there, you can give it to them in order to attend there.

(The counselor signs the contract, puts it in a letter and gives it to Bambam)

Bambam: This is awesome! Thank you so much!!

Counselor: My pleasure! You can start leaving whenever is necessary for you. Have a good day and good luck!!

(Bambam arrives home and tells his parents the exciting news. They start packing up and start heading to Seoul)

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