Chapter 10: Hatred Becomes Stronger

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12:00 P.M, Seoul High School, Seoul 

(It was class time. Jimin asked the teacher if he could go to the restroom. The teacher replied yes. Jimin is exited out the classroom and proceeds to walk to the restroom) 

Jimin's thoughts: I still can't believe what happened a few days ago. Goddamn, that Bambam guy needs to calm his sh*t! For real!! Ugh, just thinking about him makes me so angry and annoyed. I feel bad for Mina. Can't believe he dated someone like him!!

(Jimin proceeds to walk to the restroom until he saw a guy walking his way in the distance. He looked very familiar)

Jimin's thoughts: Oh look, another guy also walking to the restro-wait a minute, is that... BAMBAM?! Oh f*ck! I need to go the other way quick!

(Jimin, turning the other way as fast as he can, hoping that Bambam won't see him)

Bambam: Hey! HEY YOU!!

Jimin's thoughts: God f*cking damn it! He caught me! 

(Jimin turns around slowly. He looks at bambam with fear but also suspicion. Bambam finally walks up to JImin)

Bambam : Hey you! You that Jimin guy, huh?

Jimin: Yeah, I'm that "Jimin guy". What the f*ck do you want, Bambam??

Bambam: Whoa whoa, chill out there buddy. Let me just put this out there, you absolutely CANNOT date Mina, Like, I mean come on, That's just so unacceptable! 

Jimin: It's only unacceptable for you because you're her ex! You still can't get over the fact that your relationship with her is in the past! The worst part is that you're still attached to her. Just get over it and move on with life you bastard!!! 

Bambam: Ha! You're a funny guy, Jimin! How could you say all that when you know nothing about our past!! She's still into me and we both know it!!

Jimin: No she's f*cking not!! Are you f*cking blind you coward?! She hates you! She even told your dumba** face that she hates you!! Just f*cking get over her! Please!! 

Bambam: SHUT THE F*CK UP JIMIN!! YOU DON'T KNOW SH*T!! OKAY! Deep down, I know she still has feelings for me. She's just trying to cover up and fake her hatred towards me because you're around! She doesn't want to hurt your feelings since you two are dating!!

Jimin: I swear, you're actually so f*cking stupid. When will you realize the past is the past and that you need to move on with your life?!

(Jimin and Bambam proceeds to argue and argue and argue. Then, out of nowhere, Seulgi walks by them) 

Seulgi: Oh, hey Jimin! 

Bambam: GO AWAY! Can't you see we're having a conversation here?? 

Jimin: Hey! Don't disrespect my friend like that!

Bambam: This is none of her business you stupid a**hole! This is between you, me, and Mina!! 

Seulgi: Wait, who's Mina? Wait... oh! Jimin, is Mina that girl you were with when you bought lunch for me in the cafeteria a few days ago??

Jimin: Yes, Seulgi. That's Mina. And you know what else? This man, Bambam, is trying to get with her again after they broke up a very long time ago!! This man still wants to be with her when she clearly doesn't want to be with him!! 

Bambam: Yes she does! She still likes me! She's still into me!! 

Jimin: Bambam, she likes me! Not you!! It's so f*cking obvious you blind stupid motherf*cker!! 

Bambam: You're the stupid one! She will obviously date me soon! She just needs to break up with you and I'm going to make sure that happens!! I'm going to fulfill her wish to be with me!! 


(Then, all of a sudden, a staff member of the school showed up) 

Staff Member: Good evening, students. I heard a lot of screaming and yelling back here. Does anyone want to explain? 

Bambam: Yes, I would like to. This man right here is bothering the living hell out of me!! And this girl just decided to show up for no reason!! 

Jimin: First of all, this girl is my friend. And second, YOU WERE THE ONE WHO'S BOTHERING ME YOU BASTARD!! 

Staff Member: Whoa whoa there, gentlemen. Calm down. Let's hear from the girl. What's your side of the story? 

Seulgi: Well, I just walked past by to say hello to my friend, Jimin 

Staff Member: Wait, which one is Jimin

(Seulgi pointed to Jimin)  

Staff Member: Ah, okay then! Wait, what are all of your names?

Seulgi: My name is Seulgi! 

Bambam: I'm Bambam

Staff Member: Ah, okay. Carry on with your story Seulgi 

Seulgi: Anyways, so I walked past by to say hello to Jimin, then all of a sudden, this Bambam guy just yelled at me for no reason! He just kept yelling and yelling and then Jimin started yelling and they both kept arguing until you showed up

Staff Member: Huh, interesting. Okay students, this sounds like a big issue to me. Why don't you students come with me to the principal's office and we'll solve things from there? 

Jimin's thoughts: F*ck!! Not the principal's office again!! I've already made a bad impression! God Damn it!! 

Bambam's thoughts: Bullsh*t!! I don't want to go to the principal's office again!! Come on Jimin, why did you have to bring me into this mess?! F*cking bastard!! 

(They all went to the principal's office and explained things from there. Soon enough, they were done and got out of the office. No detentions, nothing) 

Bambam: Goddamit Jimin, Why did you have to bring me into this mess?? This is the second time I've been to the principal's office already!! 

Jimin: Hey, at least we didn't get a detention this time you f*cking bastard! BE HAPPY!!! 

Seulgi: Guys! Guys! Calm down!! It's over!! Let's go our separate ways!! 

Jimin: Yeah okay, Seulgi's got a point. Welp, I'm gonna go now. I'll see you around Seulgi. And f*ck you Bambam! Get over Mina will ya??

Bambam: F*ck you too! And no, I can't because I know she's still not over me you coward!!

Jimin: Yeah yeah, whatever you say motherf*cker!! 

(Jimin and Seulgi went their separate ways while Bambam decided to follow Seulgi)

Bambam: Hey there, Seulgi! 

Seulgi: Oh, hey! You startled me. You're going this way too? 

Bambam: Uh, yeah of course.. yeah... anyway, you uh... you seem to be close friends with Jimin, huh?

Seulgi: Yup, we're close alright.

Bambam: Um, well... how close, exactly? 

Seulgi: Well, we dated once, then broke up, and now we're here! Friends again! 

Bambam: Wait, hold on. You dated Jimin once?

Seugli: Yup! That's right!

Bambam: Interesting... tell me more about him

(Bambam gives off an evil smile, looking like he's ready to plan something)

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⏰ Última actualización: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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