Chapter 6: Consequences...

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1:00 P.M, Principal's Office, Seoul

Principal: Okay, let's start this off by telling me your names. What are both of your names?

Jimin: J-Jimin... Park Jimin...

Principal: Okay, and what about you?

Bambam: B-Bambam...

Principal: Excellent, thank you. Okay so, can anyone tell me what the hell happened back there?

Jimin: Okay well, you see-

Bambam: This guy was trying to attack me!

Jimin's thoughts: Wow, he's a fighter AND a liar?! No wonder he and Mina broke up!

Jimin: Sir, I assure you that what he said isn't true-

Bambam: He tried to knock me out!!! I swear!!!

Jimin's thoughts: Stop interrupting me and lying you bastard!!!

Principal: One at a time please!! You.

(The principal pointed at Jimin)

Principal: Explain your side of the story.

Jimin: Thank you principal. Anyway, as I was saying, THIS guy right here sitting next to me is the one who tried to attack me, not the other way around. Let me explain in the most simplest way possible why he attacked me.

Bambam: Oh god. Don't make any bullsh*t up you coward.

Jimin: Bambam and a girl dated once. Then they broke up, therefore they both are exes now. I am currently dating his ex. So, when he found that out, he got mad and tried to beat me up. I was just trying to defend myself!! I did no harm to anyone!!

Principal: Okay Jimin, let's calm down. Now, Bambam, let's hear your side of the story.

Bambam: Why certainly. You see, all Jimin said was a total lie.

Jimin's thoughts: What the f*ck is he saying?

Bambam: This guy was actually sexually harassing a girl. I, the hero who saves the day, tried to defend that girl and stop Jimin from sexually harassing her.

Principal: Hmm, I see.

(Then, out of nowhere, Jimin punches Bambam in the face and Bambam falls out of his chair)


Principal: Hey! Language!!

(The principal pulls Jimin back from giving another punch to Bambam)

Bambam: Would you look at this!! Do you see this wild animal?!

Principal: That's it!!! I've had enough of you Jimin!! Detention for you!!!!

Jimin: WHAT?? Principal, please reconsider. This was all his fault!!

Bambam: Ha!! You're in detention!! HAHA!!!

Principal: You, Bambam!! Detention for you too!!

Bambam: What?? What did I do??

Principal: You made fun of someone who was in detention! Now, get out of here!! School is out!! I'll see you wild animals in detention tomorrow!!!! GOOD DAY TO YOU BOTH!!!

(The principal kicks both of them out of the office and slams the door)

Jimin: F*ck you...

Bambam: Yeah yeah, f*ck you too. See you tomorrow.

(Both Jimin and Bambam go their separate ways)

She's Mine, Not Yours 2 (Jimin x Mina ) (Jimina) (Bangtwice)Where stories live. Discover now