Adam and Eve *Edited*

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*Meets the rest of the Mukami brothers and meets the Tsukinami brothers.*

"Armina," Karl whispers.

"Come out, Karl," I say.

"Always the bright one," he sarcastically mumbles.

"My ways are rubbing off on you, are they not?" I smirk.

"Oh, by the way, your brother is dead," I add.

"How did he die?" he wonders.

"I killed him in front of my brothers and sisters," I explain.

"Good job, Armina," Karl smiles.

"W-who are you, and w-what do you want?" the boy yells.

"I only want to help you," I lie, getting angry. I pick the boy up and throw him over my shoulder.

"To think you were respectable," a high-pitched male voice comments. I pull back and hold my meal next to me. I stand up.

"Kou Mukami, unpleased to meet you," I say, "also, I'm the better version of Reiji, Richter, and Ayato."

"She doesn't like us very much, does she?" Ruki comments.

"Not in the slightest. Considering you four are potential Adams," I grumble.

"Rude," he mutters. I throw the boy away.

"I am anything but rude. If you upset me, you will see my rude side," I hiss.

"Her rude side is also her violent side," Shu smirks, standing next to me.

"Why do you think almost every single person here dislikes me?" I smile. I grab the boy again and finish him off.

"Such a mess, dear cousin," Shu says, wiping some of the blood off me. I giggle. A familiar appears.

"Mistress, it is Yui. She wants to speak," the familiar speaks.

"Thank you. Where is Miss. Yui, so I know where to go?" I question.

"Follow if you want to see a pro," I smirk. I find Yui and sit in front of her.

"I got told you wanted to speak," I say with a stone-cold face.

"What do you wish to converse about?" I continue.

"Why are your cousins getting out of control?" Yui commands. I have a blank face.

"Shu and Reiji are none of your concern. They are of my concern because I am their senior. I will discuss this with them on their own time," I explain.

"Armina, they are slowly losing control," she argues.

"Sit down and leave them to me!" I state leaving.

"So professional there," Kou mocks.

"I'm sorry if I seem to be in a poor mood. I am in a poor mood because, for some odd reason, a woman keeps interrupting my sleep," I explain.

"Cordelia," I mutter.

"For such a respectable woman, you have a devil inside of you," a giant with brown hair mumbles.

"Everyone has a devil inside of them. Mine appears more than I wish," I explain.

"Remind me why you had to come back to school?" Reiji says.

"It would be weird to see an eighteen-year-old not going to school, Reiji," I explain again.

"So much respect will only get you so far in the world," he mutters.

"Do I care? Not in the slightest," I say.

"Is someone suspicious?" I chuckle. I walk in and see it's two of my daughters.

"My daughters doing such a thing?" I gasp. They leave.

"Excuse us, Mother," the eldest snarls. I pin them both to a wall.

"I am older and therefore also stronger. I suggest you watch your attitude toward me," I hiss, letting Dena and Fena down.

"Dena and Fena!" two boys yell. The girls leave.

"What do you want with them?" I question, standing in front of them.

"Ms. Sakamaki!" both say in fear. I chuckle.

"Glad to know I scare my daughters' boyfriends," I say.

"W-what are y-you talking about?" Maralyn wonders.

"Call it what you will," I say, "but curiosity killed the cat."

"But satisfaction brought it back," Joey argues.

"It won't work here," I whisper. I summon two female familiars.

"Drain them, then send the bodies to my daughters," I command, and they nod.

"Why are you cruel to your daughters?" Ruki demands.

"Ruki, if you see how they act daily, you would understand why I treat them that way," I explain.

"How do they act?" Kou wonders.

"Women who use men," I say.

"We get it from you," my youngest says.

"Nina, you know I haven't been like that for years now," I state.

"How many half-siblings do we have?" she wonders.

"None," I lie.

"Really?" she says. I nod.

"I was smart enough not to get that far," I spit.

"To think my daughters think so low of me," I sigh, walking away. I look up.

"I am sorry, sir. I was not paying attention to where I was going," I apologize.

"Well mannered," the voice says. I move out of the way, and they walk through.

"If you were hoping to get caught, sister, congratulations. You got caught," the second eldest says.

"What do you want?" I ask, putting my shirt back on.

"Karl wishes to speak to you," he answers. I nod, putting my pants on.

"You wanted to speak," I comment, not looking at Karl.

"I did," Karl responds.

"Speak," I say.

"Your daughters don't like you," he points out.

"Second off; you can't go back to your old ways," he continues.

"Third off; please be the one to kill me," he finishes.

"First, I know they don't like me. Second, I already have. Third, I'll try," I mutter.

"Very well," Karl nods. I nod, and he leaves. I go back to my room, and we continue what we started.

*Tomorrow night*

I groan, moving.

"Wild night?" Shu questions with a smirk.

"Oh, shut up. You get it from me," I mumble.

"I know," he smiles.

"I can't walk," I groan.

"I didn't know you have a tattoo," Shu notices.

"Yeah. I had that one for a while," I confess. We go to school, and I can walk on my own.

"Someone was busy last night," Laito smirks.

"Dena, Fena, Nina, at least I do it with the same dude," I mock them. Laito laughs.

"Doll-chan, you are amazing," Laito continues to laugh.

"I know I'm amazing, Laito," I smile.

"I guess you are a pro at this," Nina gives in.

"I'm sorry for how I've acted," I whisper, placing a kiss on their heads.

"As are we," they whisper.

End of chapter! Anywho, I will see you all in the next chapter. Bye-bye<3 

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