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*This is a part two to Monster.* *I wrote most of this chapter while listening to a Markiplier video.* 

"How did he die?" I demand. I look at a painting. Carla and Shin have a slight frown on their faces. I look at them and shake my head.

"He died one hundred years ago," he answers.

"HOW DID HE DIE!" I yell. 

"Remember that hunter you had banned from our kingdom?" he wonders. I nod.

"When we left, the hunter found us and chased us for about thirty years. When we stopped running from him, he caught us off guard, well, our son off guard. I left him behind. Every person for themselves," he comments. I snarl. 

"Why did you leave me?" I inquire. 

"I was cheating. I would rather live with the guilt than deal with an angry vampire, angry First Bloods, and an angry vampire king," he explains. I throw him at a wall.


"I didn't mourn you," he says. I kill him. I look up at the painting. 

"I am sorry," I mumble. 

End of chapter. I feel like Death. I barely got any sleep in the early morning (two hours. 1-3.) Then I got some better sleep in my parents' room. That's why I feel like Death today. Anyways, as always, I will see you all in the next chapter. 

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