First Bloods *Edited*

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*She has an unexpected conversation with the founders, leading to a project.*

*I don't own the video, song, or characters.*

*I decided that she despises Yui for personal reasons.*

*She looks like Subaru even though her parents don't have his hair color.*

"Ms. Sakamaki, please raise your hand," the teacher commands. I raise my left hand.

"You two will sit next to her," she tells the two students. The two students sit next to me.

"She said next to me, not on me," I hiss to them both. The bell rings, and I'm one of the first to leave, considering my spot is next to the door. I get to my locker and put my things away.

"Armina!" a feminine voice calls out. I turn to face the person. I sigh and walk away to the cafeteria.

"Hey, do not walk away from someone when they are talking to you!" she yells.

"You think I could care about a mortal like you?" I scoff.

"'A mortal like you?' What is that supposed to mean?" she grabs my wrist. I growl deeply.

"Let go of me before this turns in my favor," I snarl.

"How tall are you?" another student asks, trying to save the girl.

"Go before I change my mind," I hiss to her. She runs away.

"To answer your question, I am 6'," I respond to the student. I sit down next to Shu and Laito.

"Did you see those two new kids?" a girl mutters. I chuckle to myself quietly. Shu lays his head on my shoulder.

"Shu-Shu, you know you cannot sleep in school. Remember what your father did last time?" I explain, and he looks away. He nods slowly.

"You can lean on me, just don't fall asleep," I whisper, placing a kiss on his head.

"Ms. Sakamaki, please follow me," a random teacher commands. I stand up and follow him. We leave the cafeteria, and he pins me to a wall with a silver knife atop my heart.

"I suggest you move the blade," I calmly mutter to him.

"Why? You are a founder," he hisses.

"I can assure you that I am not a founder. I am a Sakamaki," I state. I kill him and take the knife. I go back to the cafeteria and see Shu look worried. I go next to him and hug him. A group of people scream when they see the dead body. I stand up and crack my jaw.

"I thought after Dad died, you would have calmed down. I guess not," I mutter. We stand in front of each other.

"For being the nice one, you are annoying," my youngest sibling comments.

"Loretta," Succubus warns.

"What, Succubus?" Loretta hisses. Yuki Onna catches me.

"Where are you going, sister?" Yuki Onna smirks. I give her my pleading eyes, and she lets go of me.

"You are my favorite sibling," I smile.

"Armina!" the female voice from before yells again. I sigh and stand up to leave.

"Such a tall woman," the younger founder comments.

"She's as tall as you, brother," he adds.

"Do stay quiet," the older founder retorts with harshness in his tone. I walk away, and the female grabs my wrist.

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