Monster *Edited*

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*I don't own the video, song, or characters.*

I walk down the halls of my mansion and sigh, looking at the painting of my husband and me. It was over two hundred years of marriage. It was our 235th anniversary when he left.


My phone began to ring off the hook. I grabbed it and answered it.

"Reiji," I smiled even though he couldn't've seen it. I got out of bed and walked to my dining room. I saw my husband and five-year-old son.

"Happy anniversary," Reiji commented with what could have only been a smile.

"So, how is the rest of the family doing?" I questioned.

"Shu is begging me to know when you are coming over. The triplets are doing their own thing. Subaru is in his garden. I'm working on potions," he explained. I laughed.

"You were always a mini Karlheinz," I chuckled. Someone knocked on my front door.

"I'll call you later," I stated, then hung up. I went to the front door and opened it. It was Mom and Dad.

"Come on, Armina!" Dad yelled.

"Go to hell!" I yelled back. They left, and two other people knocked on the door.

"I swear if it's my siblings!" I started to yell. I opened the door and saw Carla and Shin.

"Good thing you two aren't my siblings," I smiled. I let them in.

"Happy anniversary," they both said. I chuckled.

"It doesn't feel like one," I admitted.

"Why not?" Shin questioned.

"It just doesn't for some reason. I can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen," I explained. I heard a window open and close. I was confused.

"Honey?" I called for Jarama. I went up to our shared room. I then went to our son's room. Neither are here. I saw a note on Jerame's bed. I read it and crumpled it in my hand. I cried into my arms, slumped against my son's bed.

*End of flashback*

"Armina?" Jarama questions.

"Jarama?" I do the same.

"It's been nearly one hundred and fifty-seven years," I add.

"Jerame's dead," Jarama states, and I stop in my spot, dropping the contents from my hands to the floor.

"W-what?" I inquire, swallowing and hoping I heard wrong.

"Jerame's dead," he states again.

"I can't be here," I whisper and teleport home. I grab a vase and throw it at a wall. Carla and Shin appear.

"I feel like a monster," I mutter. I throw another vase, this time hitting Shin with it.

"Armina!" they yell together. I look at them.

"What happened?" Shin asks.

"First, sorry about throwing a vase at you. Second, my only son is dead," I cry softly. They hug me, and I hug back.

End of chapter. Does anyone read this? Also, as I said above. I don't own anything except for Armina, Jerame, Jarama, Nina, Fena, and Dena. I only own those characters. All the other characters belong to Rejet. Anywho, I will see you all in the next chapter. Bye-bye<3 

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