Shin's ending

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*The things that I mentioned in the chapter are actual fears of mine. I hate the darkness. I feel like I'm being watched and you don't know what's there. Clowns; creepy people. Sharks; I've seen Shark Week and shark movies. I'd rather not tango with those mangos. Spiders; Devil's spawn and a Chaos Servant. It deserves to die by the blood God, Khorne. Bees; I never know when a bee is going to sting me. I have been stung by one before, by accident, actually.*

*Armina's point of view *

 "Any questions, class?" I wonder. One student raises their hand. 

"Yes, Sebastian?" I call on him.

"I might be thinking this wrong but when you add those two together and then multiply the sum with that number, shouldn't you multiply first then add?" Sebastian questions. I shake my head.

 "Since there are parentheses, you do what's in those first. Say we have (34+56)*12. You would do 34+56 first. You get 90*12 then. You get 1080 as your total answer," I explain. He nods.

 "Do you understand it now?" I question and he nods. 

 "Remember class, you have a homework assignment that is due for tomorrow. If you have any questions, email me or give me a call. My number is on top of the syllabus," I explained to them. The bell rings. 

 "Armina," Shu states.

 "Yes, Shu?" I responded by looking through the stack of homework assignments on my desk.

 "Let's go," he mumbles. I grab the stack of papers with a binder and a correcting pen. I sit down at a table. 

"You aspired to do great things and this is what you do for a living," Lilith scoffs. I sigh.

"What did you want, Lilith?" I growl.

 "Just wanted to see what you were doing," he lies.

 "Lie. If you came to bother me, find someone with a lower IQ than you," I retort with a smirk. He growls. He goes to slap me but I grab his wrist and twist it, breaking it. 

 "Never try that again. Got it?" I hiss in his ear. He nods.

 "Good. Now, go think about what you've done," I command. He leaves and two people sit down next to me.

 "Hey," Carla mutters.

 "Hey," I mutter back, continuing to correct the math assignment from yesterday. 

 "Armina, you are overwhelming yourself. It's not good," Shin warns me. I close the binder and set my head on the table. I let tears slip down my cheeks and down my throat.

 "I thought that I could teach the kids something but they're all arrogant and I just can't take it anymore," I cry. 

 "Then quit. No one is going to stop you," Sebastian says.

 "Sebastian, I'm the best teacher this school has. It was way worse when we were here," I explain looking at him with puffy eyes. 

 "Really?" he wonders. I nod.

 "We didn't have any teachers so we had to teach the subjects to ourselves," Carla explains. 

 "Then why the hell did you come to school?" Sebastian questions. 

 "Change of scenery. Fresh air. Friends. Many other reasons as well," I state. 

 "Ms. Sakamaki, are you alright?" a different student questions. I nod.

 "Ms. Sakamaki, I really hate to bother you but the class and I created something for you," a student states. I follow her to the teacher's lounge. She opens the door and I see my students with a cake in front of them.  I place my hands over my mouth and cry slightly.

"Thank you so much for this! It means a lot to me," I cry.

"You do so much for us and you tolerate us, we decided that you deserve something in return. We love having you here," Ana smiles. I smile back. We go back to the cafeteria and I see Shin in a suit with blue roses, my favorite flowers, and second favorite color. 

"Shin, what are you doing?" I cover my chuckle with my hand. 

 "You and I are going out tonight," Shin grins.

 "Don't let there be any clowns, spiders, bees, darkness, and sharks," I beg. 

 "There is none of that where we're going," he smiles. 

"Good," I smile. 

NEW CHAPTER! I can update because homework was done earlier. Anyways, as always, I will see you all in the next chapter. Bye-bye<3 

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