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I woke up groggily to my alarm going off. I hit it and it stopped being a bitch and finally shut the fuck up. I rolled over checking my phone and of course I had plenty of notifications but now from Tyree.

I sighed and purposely dropped my phone on the floor. It's carpet, don't worry. I still don't see why he's mad about what happened last night. I told him that I didn't want to be out like that so why can't he just accept and respect that?

I got out of bed and went straight to my bathroom to do my hygiene. I got dressed, went downstairs, and made breakfast. I seen my mom's car in the driveway out the kitchen window, so she must be sleeping.

After eating, I went back upstairs and grabbed all my belongings I needed for school. I left out the house and drove my way to Hell.

I arrived and parked in a good spot. I got out and greeted a few people I knew but it caught my eye when I seen a car pull up that looked similar to his. FiFi hopped out and without her noticing me and him made eye contact. I quickly looked away locked my car and sped walk over to the entry way through the cafeteria.

It was so weird but I hate that he ignored me all night. I feel bad but then again I shouldn't.

"Hey Dee," One of my friends dapped me up. His name is Trevor but we call him twin being that he's a twin. His other half is Trevon. They both cool as fuck and hey smart as hell. They stay on top of their grades and they manage to do a whole bunch of traveling and stuff like that.

"What's been good with you?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "If only I could tell you..." I sighed. He looked at me and stood in front of me.

"Now Whatever it is cant be bad.." He said. I rolled my eyes stressfully. "You can only imagine..look come over my place tonight and I'll tell you about it okay?" I said.

"Bet lil sis.. I'll catch up 'round," He said before walking off. I walked into my first period and sat down. This was really beating me up and I don't even know why. I don't like him. If he likes me, he needs not to. I will never in my life resort back to men and what happens the other was a total mistake.

"What was I thinking..." I whispered lowly to myself. I ran my hands through my hair and began listening to the lecture my teacher was giving.

I went through school and it was near the end of the day. FiFi has left early for some reason but I was on my way to my car when I was stopped. "Hey!" I heard someone yell from behind me. I turned around and it was a girl. She dressed masculine and she was beautiful as hell.

"You dropped something.." she reached out with my student ID in her hand.


"Oh! Vilencia.. but you can call me Vinny," she smiled.

"Dasia.. it was nice to meet you and thank you.." I smiled back.

I turned around and walked to my car. I started it up and drove home. I had stopped for some gas and got me some snacks on the way. I'm a true fat ass.

I was eating a hunnybun walking into the house. Trevor had just texted me saying he'll be over in about 45 minutes. That gives me time to shower and clean up my room.

I went upstairs sitting my bad down and opening up my drawers. I picked out my clothes and went straight into the bathroom.

I got out and dressed myself. I heard my front door open and loud mouth over here made his presence known.

"Hello bitch! Where you at?" Trevor yelled.

"In my room negro," I yelled back.

This heavy footed ass nigga stumped his way into my room. "Hey bitch so what's going on?" He sounded so fucking feminine. "I swear you fucking fruity nigga," I laughed.

"Girl please I'll break a nigga hand if he tries to touch me in that way." He said sitting in my bean bag chair while I hooked up the PS4. "Ight so what's good?" I threw a controller at him.

"I have somethings I need to get off my chest about a certain situation going on... Fortnite, Call of duty, or 2k?"

"Them m=damn games get boring, what else you got?" He asked.

"Umm-" I looked through my games, "Halo, GTA four and five, Assassin's Creed, Fifa, and some other ones I haven't played yet."

He pondered, "Assassin's Creed," He said. I put in the game and sat against my bed. My TV was big and it hung on my wall. It wasn't necessary to say, I just wanted to brag about my TV.

"Okay so look... You know Fiona is my best friend right?"

"Yea.. what y'all do get into another argument?" He asked with a straight face.

"No nigga. Remember her brother that got locked up?"

"um... oh wait uhh what's his name?"

"Tyree," I said.

"Oh yea yea. okay so what about him?" He said pressing down on the controller buttons.

"...I don't even know if I want to say this. You'll probably think of me differently."

"What? Nah bro you my nigga why would I ever?" He said pausing the game.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "He's been trying to get at me...and I may have a small...ittybittytinylikingtowardshim." I said closing my eyes.

I heard nothing. You could hear a pin drop downstairs.

"So.... Now you liking niggas?" He asked.

"No.... Just him." I whispered.

"-and when was this?" He questioned. I looked up and then back at him, "Ummm a few days almost a week." I said.

"Damn Dasia out here catching niggas now? Okay okay I see y-" "Wait you not judging me?" I was confused. Especially coming from him.

"Nigga no.. I just told you I wouldn't do that shit. You like who you like and sometimes you can't help it. If you like him then get to know him but fifi and everybody else can't find out my dude. They''ll start wildin and fuck yo rep up." He scoffed.

See this is why he my nigga. He doesn't judge anybody and he's real humble. He's always been there for me no matter what.

"I just don't think I can ruin my image like that. I'm gay and I don't need to walk around school being called a dick dyke." I said.

"Look if you like him, you like him Dasia. You always worried about yo image. That shit won't matter in the end. Everyone will always perceive you differently. Fuck with him if you want to pursue him." He said as he started the game again.

I thought about what he said so I got my phone out and texted Tyree to come over.

"Have you kissed him? I know it's a reach but I had to ask." I looked at him like a deer caught in headlights. I had remembered what happen the other night when he was here.

"nah not at all." I said.

His eyes were still on the game.

"Was it good?" he asked.

"Oh my god yes.."  He busted out laughing. "Shut up!" I threw a pillow at him. My phone dinged and it was Tyree.


I smiled internally and kept playing the game.

My Best Friend's BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now