Boom, Boom, Boom I Want You In My Room

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Oikawa huffed out breathlessly as he drank from his water bottle. Suddenly, someone hit the back of his head and he choked on his water, wiping his mouth and turning.

"Iwa-chaaan. You almost made me choke on water." Oikawa said, pouting. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. "That was the point." Oikawa frowned. "Iwa-Chaaaaan~ i don't wanna die." He whined and their coach clapped their hands, signaling for Oikawa to come over and give instructions.


Oikawa sat down o the bench, head against the wall as he watched his team members. He was sweating like crazy and he couldn't stand it so he took hs shirt off, setting it down next to him. He stood up and rejoined his team.

"Ok, guys, we have a tournament against..... Shiratorizawa.... Next week and we have to be in our A-game! Okay! Practice serves!" everyone lined up in the back, practicing serves while Iwaizumi covered the lower half of his face, picking up a volleyball with one hand.

"Iwa-Chan. Just 'cos you're my friend, doesn't mean you don't get t do warm-u--Mattsun, a little higher up---ps okay?" Oikawa raised an eyebrow as Iwaizumi's eye flitted over him quickly and Oikawa smirked.

"Wait, don't tell me. Is IWa-Chan turned on by me being shirtless?" Oikawa asked, ignoring Mattsun in the background asking for a cheeseburger.

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. "'Course not Trashykawa." but his voice sounded nasally as if something were blokcing his nose. "Well, get practicing!" Oikawa yelled, oving IWaizumi's hand from his face only to freeze.

His smirk grew wider. "Did Iwa-Chan get a nosebleed from me?" he asked, grabbing a few tissues from the coach and handing them IWaizumi. "No, this is just coincedental." he said. Oikawa nodded before whispering into Iwaizumi's ear.

"Because for your infortmation, this body is alllll yours." the captain and turned to his team and had them partner up for spikes.

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