Shut Up (And Dance With Me)

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Yamaguchi laid his head on his desk smiling.he was always smiling, even during travesties.

He thought it was weird, no matter the situation, he always smiled, even at funerals. I dunno, maybe he was a sadist or something. He's never not smiled, unless he was stressing out.

He buried his smiling face into his arms and someone flicked his head as they passed. Yamaguchi's head shot up, beaming even brighter. "Tsukki!" Yamaguchi shouted and Tsukishima rolled his eyes.

Yamaguchi smiled a little more before class started. Of course, no one else knew why Yamaguchi smiled so much, or smiled even more when Tsukki very carelessly acknowledged him.

But in middle school, some kids ad this sort of bet, whoever made him cry or stop smiling, go everyone's lunch money for the rest of the year. But when Yamaguchi heard this, he only smiled brighter when he was punched in the face, kicked to the ground and coughing up blood.

Yeah so e might be a sadist, or maybe even a masochist, it doesn't really matter. Because whenever Yamaguchi's with Tsukki, even if they're fighting, he'll always smile.


"Wake up." a stern voice called out to the sleeping Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi's head and body jumped up. "Tsukki!" Yamaguchi cred out, hugging the taller boy. Tsukishima rolled his eyes, pushing the smaller boy off.

"We've got practice." Tsukishima stated. Yamaguchi nodded and the two walked out together. Yamaguchi started humming a song, it sounded sweet and loving, but at the same time, it had a dark edge to it.

"Stop smiling. It's annoying." Tsukishima stated. Yamaguchi turned. "I-i'm sorry," Yamaguchi looked at the clouds, a soft smile on his lips. "I dunno how." Tsukki rolled his eyes and grabbed Yamaguchi's cheeks, pulling them down and Yamaguchi laughed.

"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi said, laughing. Tsukki put his hands down, frowning. "Maybe we should teach you how to smile." Yamaguchi said, reaching up and poking Tsukki's cheek.

"I smile." Tsukishima said, the gym finally in view. "You smile about as much as KAgeyama-san does." Yamaguchi stated. Tsukishima rolls his eyes again. "Sure."


There's a secret t why Yamaguchi's always smiling. Crying.

He cries every night.

He cries for for his mom, for hs dead cousins, for his dad, for the team, especially for Tsukki.

Always for Tsukki. He never crid for himself though, no, he was too useless and t undeserved to be pitied over even by himself. He considered killing himself. More times and once.

He wears long sleeves everyday because of that thought, he wears short that always cover his thighs because of it. He wears the long sleeve volleyball uniform even on hot days. People asked him why and he'd just smile.

Yamaguchi clutched his pillow to his chest, tears falling down at the speed of light when he heard the door of the house open. Mom isn't supposed to be home yet , Yamaguchi thought and his eyes welled up even more. If she's here because i worried her....

The door to his room opened and he had no time to wipe away tears as a certain blonde stepped in. he was glaring like usual but when he saw the tears on Yamaguchi's face, heard the strangled breath, saw the razor on his dresser, his expression softened.

"I, you left your bag after practice." Tsukishima said, placing down a bag.

Yamaguchi nodded and buried his face in his pillow. Leave leave leave ... "Yamaguchi, are you okay?" Tsukki asked, the bed creaking as he sat down next to Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi laughed a little, suddenly smiling brightly despite the tears falling down his face and the blood staining his shorts. "Define okay." Yamaguchi said and Tsukki was taken aback b the smile and question.

"Yamaguchi," Tsukki looked at Yamaguchi's legs, jumping up, noticing the blood. "Omigod Yamaguchi. You-Where's a first aid kit?" Tsukishima asked, standing up. Yamaguchi laughed and Tsukki's eyes widened as it sounded like a crazed maniac.

"I hid it, i don't deserve to live Tsukki. Why would i keep a first aid kit?" he started laughing again until he choked on his tears. Tsukki sat down and hugged him, eyes wide as he "secretly" shoved the razor out of view.

"Yamaguchi, Tadashi, you deserve way more than living." Tsukki said. Yamaguchi shook his head. "No, no i don't. I can't play as well as you or the others, in fact the first ame i was put in i screwed us over. Everyone plays games to try and break me. I'm useless Tsukki. You'd be better off without me."

Tsukki slapped Yamaguchi. Hard. Yamaguchi froze and Tsukki's glare returned. "If i ever hear you say that again, i'm slapping you twice." Yamaguchi had more tears falling down his face but he laughed, he laughed hard, he laugh so hard and crazy he sounded like Nagito Komaeda crazy times ten. (danganronpa reference)

"You're funny Tsukki. I'm not worth anything. I'm worthless!!!!! I don't deserve to live or breathe!!! I deserve to be shot or murdered. Beaten to death!!! No one likes me and no on--" Yamaguchi clutched his chest and started coughing and and passed out. Tsukishima's eyes widened as he remember Yamaguchi had been bleeding for who knows how long.

Tsukishima ran to the bathroom, running into a woman on the way.

"Oh Kei dear! I didn't know you wer--" "Where's a first aid kit?" Tsukki interrupted. Her eyes widened and she ran to her room, throwing her keys on her bed and handing Tsukki a red box. "MAke sure he's okay, he doesn't listen to me." she said and Tsukki ran back to Yamaguchi's room.

Tsukishima grabbed gauze and pushed Yamaguchi back onto the bed so he could access his legs easier. He pulled out some wipes and cleaned off the blood. That's a lot of blood , Tsukki thought, heart speeding up.

He wrapped gauze around his thighs and tied it off. He and got up and ran to the kitchen, looking for food. When doctors take your blood, they give you apple juice and cookies, right? Tsukki grabbed some cookies and juice he found, running back up to the room and opening the door.

Yamaguchi laid staring at the ceiling, awake or at least, conscious now. "Tsukki, you hid my razor, that wasn't nice." Yamaguchi said silently, subconsciously picking at the bandage around his thighs. "And you stopped my bleeding. You should've let me bled out and die." Tsukishima sat down next to Yamaguchi shoving a cookie into his mouth.

"Shut up." Tsukki said, eating a cookie himself. HE lsat on the bed so his legs were pressed against Yamaguchi's side vice versa. "Tsukki?" Yamaguchi aid after swallowing the cookie. Tsukki turned his head up. "Yeah."

"I'm sorry i'm such a--" "If you say burden, i'm slapping you again." Tsukki said, glaring at Yamaguchi through his glasses. Yamaguchi flinched and shifted a little. "Sorry i'm causing you so much trouble." Yamaguchi decided on. Tsukki glared at him a little before settling back on the bed board.

"Tsukki." Yamaguchi asked quietly, grabbing a cookie slowly. Tsukishima looked up. "There's.....voices." Yamaguchi said, staring at the cookie in his hands. Tsukishima straightened. "The-they tell me i'm worthless."

"That i'm not as good as the other first years. I'm useless to the team, i'm failing english, my freckles are like dirt, i can't ever go a day without harming myself. Tsukki, they tell me i should kil myself, that i'm better off dead." Yamaguchi looked up and met eyes with Tsukishima. "But, i don't wanna leave you, Tsukki. You're making it hard for me to kill myself."

Tsukki leaned over on the bed and enveloped YAmaguchi in a hug, petting his hair to calm him down. "Don't be stupid. If you ever kill yourself, i'm going to raise you from the dead just so i can sla you."

"Tsukki, i'm sorry." Yamaguchi cried out, hugging Tsukishima. "It's okay. Just, sleep." Tsukishima said, moving on the bed so they were next to each other and curled up.

"But Tsukki----" "Shut up Yamaguchi." Yamaguchi laughed and snuggled into Tsukishima's arms. "okay."

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