And I'll Tell You All About It When I See You Again

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Suga, Daichi and Asahi stood proud at their platforms as they recieved their diploma. Suga smiled as he held back tears, Daichi bit his lip threateningly, tears almost falling but never quite, and Asahi had shameless tears falling down his face.

Noya buried his face in his hands as he, alng with the rest o the club, watched their friends graduate.


After the ceremony, Noya jumped Asahi, crying out about how much he'd miss him.

"You never can stop texting me, and i'm gonna check in with you everyday, so answer your texts. Find a good volleyball club and become the best ace ever!" Noya yelled through tears. Asahi let out a choked laughter, his tears falling still as he hugged the smaller boy.

"Don't worry Noya, I won't stop talking to you or anything like that." Asahi said, gently, hugging the younger one more softly, letting Noya press his face into Asahi's chest.

"I don't want you to leave. I like you here." Noya muttered and Asahi nodded, rubbing Noya's back soothingly. "But nest year, right? We can see each other then." Asahi suggested and Noya nodded.



Kuroo, Yaku, and Nobuyuki all stood on the stage, smiling as they were handed their own diplomas. Almost all of Tokyo was there, looking up at them and all the third years of their school move on in life.

The volleyball club, both boy's and girl's, were watching with tears as they watched their captains and friends move on.

When the three of them got off stage, Lev ran over to Yaku, picking up the smaller boy with tears in his eyes. "Yaku-San! I-I don't want you to leave!" Lev cried but Yaku tried to push him off.

"I have too, Idiot." Yaku muttered as he was released. Lev's lower lip trembled as tears fell down his face. "Bu-but I'll mis you Yaku!" Lev cried and Yaku rolled his eyes, crossing his arms but smirking at the younger boy.

"I'll miss you too, Lev." Yaku muttered and Lev hugged Yaku again.

Kenma looked up at Kuroo. "We've done this before, right?" Kuroo said, smiling down at Kenma. "And we'll be fine, like always." Kuroo finished. Kenma looked to the side.

"Yeah, but when you went into middle and high school, we were still neighbors. You're going to another country, Kuroo." Kenma muttered and Kuroo wrapped his boyfriend into a hug.

"But we can do it, right?" Kuroo asked, pressing Kenma's fae into his shoulder. He felt his boyfriend smile against him as arms wrapped around Kuroo.

"Yeah, we can do it." Kenma said and Kuroo tightened his grip on the younger boy, before sighing in relief. "Good, because if we couldn't, I'd probably die." Kuroo said and Kenma snorted at that. "Yeah."


Oikawa skipped off the stage, holding his diploma proudly, Iwaizumi followed, smacking Oikawa aginst the head with his. Mattsun suantered off the stage and Makki followed, arms behind his head.

The four third years turned to their team, smiling. Their team held back tears, Yahab staring angrily at the ground as he fought to keep tears back, Mad Dog kept blinking, his eyes shining, as i to sto tears from coming. Kindaichi had tears falling down his cheeks slowly and the rest of the team was man crying.

"Awe~ don't miss your captain too much~" Oikawa said to the team, winking. Everyone nodded softly, some sniffling. "We trust you'll do well on your own net year. But if I hear anything bad, I will come figh you all." Iwaizumi threatened.

"Don't't forget to have fun though!" Mattsun said, winking also. "Or pull pranks." Makki added and everyone laughed gently as they all team group hugged.

"We'll miss you guys." Oikawa said and that broke everyone as tears stated flowing freely down their face, even Kyoutani had a few tears fall.


Konoha, Haruki, Bokuto, Yamato, and Washio all jumped off the stage, greeting their two other team members.

"You two take care of the club, 'kay?" Konoha asked and Akaashi and Watari nodded.Bokuto smiled as he jumped Akaashi, wrapping his boyfriend up in a koala hug.

Akaashi groaned, yet smiled softly. "Have fun you guys." Akaashi said to the others. "Dunno how you'll take care of him, but I trust you." Yamato rolled his eyes, mocking a salute.

"Whatever Mom. We'll take care of your boyfriend for you. We swear." Yamato said, crossing his heart. Bokuto turned to look at Akaashi, arms still wrapped around him along with his legs.

Bokut uzzled his nose against Akaashi's cheek and Akaashi laughed gently, running his fingers through Bokuto's hair.

"Don't act like this'll be the last time we see each other, because I' sure as Hell poping into your classes to make sure you're actually learning." Akaashi threatened. Bokuto smiled and pressd his forehead against his boyfriend's.

"You sure as Hell are." Bokuto replied softly and Akaahsi allowed his former-captain to press a kiss to his cheek.

Bokuto dropped to his feet and smiled at Akaashi. "Take care of the club, Captain." Bokuto said and Akaashi smiled, saluting. "Sure will."


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