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Hinata grabbed his sleeping bag, running out his bedroom door and hugging Natsu before he ran out, waving to his mom. "Have fun dear!" she yelled to him and he nodded, turning backwards as he continued running. "See you after school tomorrow!" he yelled back.

Hinata ran into Kageyama, who was waiting for the bouncing boy to come out of the house. "Dumbass!" Kageyama yelled and Hinata laughed as he darted to bolt to Suga's house, Kageyama chasing after him.

Hinata ran into Suga's door, not bothering to knock and finding himself in Suga''s living room. Kageyama ran in after and tackled the now giggling Hinata to the ground. Suga peered his head out of his bedroom door and sighed. "Children, don't do that in my house." he said and his head disappeared.

After a few moments of Kageyama wrestling with the spiker, Suga and Daichi walked out of Suga's room, Daichi running his hand through his hair and Suga twisting his shirt around. Kageyama stood up, pulling Hinata to his feet as Tanaka and Noya came running in, Asahi walking in behind them.

Noya threw his sleeping bag up in the air, shouting as he entered. "LET THE PARTY START!" Noya yelled. Suga sighed. "Not everyone's here yet. Tanaka, where's Ennoshita?" Suga asked. Tanaka shrugged, setting his sleeping bag down in a corner. "He said that he, Kinoshita and Narita weren't going to come over. Something about a 'side characters' sleepover with Watari and Kindaichi from other teams?"

Suga shrugged as Kuroo and Bokuto came running in, Kenma and Akaashi following, Kenma playing his video game, Akaashi shaking his head. "WE BROUGHT DRINKS!" Bokuto yelled. Suga's eyes widened and he grabbed the two bottles Bokuto had raised in the air.

"No." Suga said sternly, putting the bottles away from Bokuto. Bokuto frowned unhappily. Hinata ran up to Kenma. "Kozume! How are you!?" Hinata said brightly as he hugged the older boy. Kenma looked at Hinata. "I'm good Shouyou. How are you?" Kenma asked in his usual quiet voice.

Hinata smiled brightly and tilted his head, not leting go of Kenma. "We've been playing games instead of playing volleyball, since there aren't any more tournaments. What've you guys've been doing?" Hinata asked, looking at the game in Kenma's hand as the other boy turned it off.

"We've been playing games against each other. Lev and Yaku don't get together so well as a team." Kenma said, looking into Hinata's eyes, smiling a bit. "That's just because Lev doesn't know how to listen to directions properly." Yaku sad, just entering. Lev pouted as he ducked into the room.

"Your instructions are so boring!" Lev complained and Yaku turned, hitting the taller boy with his bag.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi arrived, Oikawa and IWaizumi not far behind. "Make way! Your beauty queen has arrived!" Oikawa shouted, eyes closed as he held out peace signs. Iwaizumi smacked his head and Oikawa pouted. "Iwa-Chaaaan!" Oikawa complained but Iwaizumi ignored him.

Oikawa turned to the other members and he cried out when his eyes landed on Akaashi. The third year ran up to the second year, pouting. "Nooooo! There's already a prettier Beauty Queen!! That's not fair!" Oikawa whined and Akaashi looked up at Iwaizumi, who just sighed exasperatedly.

"Uhh.... Thank you? I think?" Akaashi said, looking at the older boy, who was dramatically sniffing. Tsukishima shook his head in annoyance as he watched Oikawa harass Akaashi, asking him how he could look like that, when Bokuto and Kuroo came up from behind him.

"Hey Glasses-Chan~" Kuroo said as he and Botuko wrapped their arms around Tsukki's either sides. Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow and looked up at his blonde boyfriend questioningly. Tsukki sighed, pushing the two third years off of him.

"Idiots." Tsukishima muttered and Yamaguchi laughed. Kuroo's attention shot twards the slightly shorter boy and he smiled. "Freckles, check. Laughs at Tsukishima's jokes, check," Kuroo said, touching his fingers.

Haikyuu!! OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz