Just Some Rare Pairs

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Bokuto hugged Oikawa, who hugged him back. "Hey, hey, Oikawa, how are you?" Bokuto asked, arms still around Oikawa's waist. Oikawa smiled.

"Im fine. Your hairs a mess though." Oikawa said, grabbing the sides of Bokuto's face and letting the tips of his fingers rest in Bokuto's hair. Bokuto laughed and pressed his forehead against Oikawa's.

"Hey, i just wake up with it like this." Bokuto said laughing. Oikawa pouted and ruffled his boyfriend's hair up. "But it's weird, it's like a, like a, like a fashion cure or something. Seriously, how long do you spend on this, Jesus." Oikawa said, making Bokuto laugh once more.

"At least my hair isn't a giant curl like yours." Bokut said. Oikawa faked a dramatic gasp. "How dare you insult my curl." Oikawa said, making the owl laugh again .

Bokuto pressed a quick kiss to Oikawa's cheek before hugging him.


Akaashi sat on Tsukishima's lap, texting on his phone while Tsukki was reading. Akaashi turned his head and tried to read what Tsukki was reading.

He smiled. "Is that in english?" Akaashi asked and Tsukki hummed in response. "What's it called?" Akaashi asked, turning so he was straddling Tsukki's lap. "It's called To Kill a Mockingbird . It's by Harper Lee." Tsukki put his paper in the book to mark his place before closing it and setting it to the side.

Tsukki looked up at Akaashi's face who smiled at him. "What's it about?" Akaashi asked, leaning forward and resting his head on Tsukishima's shoulder. Tsukki tangled his hands in Akaashi's black hair, his other hand resting on his waist.

"This girl, Scout, her father is like an attorney and he's defending this person, Tom Robinson, who was accused of rape. And everyone is mad at Scout's dad because Tom is black, and this was written in the time where americans were segregated. They were mad because Scout's dad was going to try and prove he was innocent." Tsukki said smiling.

Akaashi listened in peace a Tsukishima continued to describe the book, massaging his head as he talked until Akaashi fell asleep. Tsukki snorted once his boyfriend started snoring. Tsukki adjusted his position so he could continue reading while Akaashi's head rested on his chest.


"USHIIIIII-" Hinata jumped onto Ushijima's back. "WAKA!" Hinata yelled and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders.

Ushijima grabbed Hinata's akles so he didn't fall off. "Hi Shouyou." he said in his usual monotone voice. Hinata smiled as he and Ushijima walked down the sidewalk.

"So, whatcha doing?" Hinata asked hapil. "Running errands for my mom." Ushijima said. Hinata smiled. "We'll run them together!" Hinata shouted happily. Ushijima nodded as he entered a store, ducking so Hinata didn't heit his head.

"Oooh! Those are pretty flowers." Hinata said, pointing to a few orange tiger lilies. Ushijima looked at them and set hinata down on the flower, walking over a grabbing a bouquet. He and walked up to the cashier and bought the bouquet.

After he paid he handed them to Hinata, who smiled while blushing. "Tha-uh, thanks Ushijima!" Hinata said and was given a soft smile in return.


"Daichi! Just, it's i can't do this!" Ennoshita whined, sinking in his chair. Daichi turned and looked at hi. "Do what?" he asked, concerned. "I can't be captain! I mean, i could hande Noya and Tanaka, I could stop KAgeyama and Hinata from fighting. But the new first years!"

Ennoshita buried his face i his hands and Daichi moved to sit next to him. "What about them?" he asked as he wrapped his arm around Ennoshita's shoulder. Ennoshita signed and rested his head on Daichi's shoulder.

"So, Yuuma, right? He won't stop attacking Hiroto with hugs, and yeah sure, i'm not against it, but it's in the middle of practice or a game. And Aishi, he's not good at hiding his jealousy. He fight Hiroto the moment Yuuma leaves his side for a second. I mean, Aishi's a really good spiker, being tall and fast like he is. So i don't want to kick him off the team, but he sent Hiro to the nurse last week." Ennoshita groaned.

Daichi laughed and squeezed Ennoshita's shoulder. "Just, tel Aishi that if he doesn't stop, he'll get kicked off the team. Either he really likes volleyball, or he just joined it for Yuuma. So if you threaten to kick him of, i'm sure he'll shape up. And for Yuuma, just talk to him about how he needs to focus on the game and that he can spend any other time with Hiroto. That way he'll spend more time with Hiroto, giving Aishi less chances to even think about beating Hiroto up. And for Hiroto, congratulate him for putting up with all this."

Ennoshita laughed and wrapped his arms around Daichi's waist. "You make it sound so easy." he muttered.


"Suga." Kageyama said, leaning back so he was laying on the older boy. "Yeah Kags?" Suga asked, wrapping his arms around the younger boy. Kageyama tilted his head to look at the older boy. "Are you mad at me for becoming a regular and taking your spot?"

Suga turned his head worried. "What? No! I could never be mad at you!" Suga said. Kageyama bit his lip. "But it's your last year playing and since i'm the regular, that means you won't get to play as much."

Suga signed, turning so he could talk face-to-face with Kageyama. Suga grabbed the sides of his face and looked at him sternly."That doesn't matter to me. I will still play in college. As long as you are happy KAgeyama, as long as Karasuno gets to continue playing is all that matters.

Kageyama smiled and tried to give Suga a kiss. Suga squished Kageyama's face together and held him back. "Nope, no kisses unless you understand i'm not mad." Suga said.

Kageyama pouted, which looked ridiculous with his face squished. "Suga." he whined and Suga settled for hugging him.


"I'm telling you, Dinosaurs are better." Tsukki argued, shifting on his bed to face Oikawa. Oikawa rolled his eyes. "Puh-lease. Can your dinosaurs travel through galaxies? Can you dinosaurs probe people? Are your dinosaurs alive ?" Oikawa said and smirked as the usually silent Tsukishima gasped.

"Oh yeah? Well at least we know dinosaurs existed. There's factual evidence and fossils of dinosaurs. Is there any evidence of aliens existing?" Tsukishima smirked as Oikawa frowned. "There's lots of evidence.... Just... not enough." Oikawa said and pouted.

Tsukki snorted at Oikawa's reaction before stretching his arms behind his head. "I'm telling you, dinosaurs are better than aliens." he stated. Oikawa huffed out but draped himself across Tsukki's long, spread out legs.

"Fine,you win." Oikawa said and poked Tsukishima's cheek. "This round at least, Glasses-Chan." Tsukki snorted again and tapped the sides of Oikawa's glasses. "You're Glasses-Chan too y'know." he said and Oikawa smiled.


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