Fairy Tale: Fears(Part 2)

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//Patten's POV//

Roman was getting ready, running around the place, getting all of the things he needs. He's a complete mess right now.

I looked over at Logan, and he seemed pretty aggravated at Roman. In all honesty, I was getting frustrated at him as well. He needs to chill out for just a quick moment.

"Roman. Roman. ROMAN!" Logan said in a very stern tone. Roman suddenly stopped what he was doing."You need to chill out! We will find him! Don't worry. Yes this is a very big problem, but you need to calm down." Logan said. Making his voice softer than what it was before.

"He's right. If we stay calm, we'll be able to safely find him. Without drawing any attention from the creatures out in the dark." I said. I know he wouldn't want that. 

"Give us time to get ready too. Especially you. You're a freaking mess right now. Like what are you wearing? Your knight wear and then your underwear? Come on Roman." Logan said. I couldn't hep but giggle a little as Roman looked down realizing he was in his underwear.

"Oh jeez! Why didn't one you tell me before?" Roman exclaimed. Logan shook his head.

"Maybe if you were to STOP and LISTEN, you would've heard me yelling your name out to tell you. Jeez." Logan said as he snickered a little.

"Oh yeah, right. Sorry." Roman said with a guilty smile. He ran back to his room to change his clothes.

"I swear this guy. His feelings sometimes get in the way." Logan said. I looked at Logan with a concerned expression.

"There is nothing with your feelings thinking for you. Roman hasn't been like this in a while. I think it's good that he's feeling this way. It shows how much he cares for Virgil. Remember how they used to fight all the time?" I said with a calming smile.

"I guess you're right. They did fight almost every second." Logan said laughing at the memories. I laughed as well thinking about the last time they fought.


Minutes have passed by and Roman still hasn't come out of his room. 

What's taking him so long? I wonder if he's okay. Did he do something stupid and is now feeling embarrassed about it?

I walked to Roman's room deciding to check up on him. I lightly knocked on the door.

"Hey Roman, you okay on there? What's taking you so long?" I asked. I was wiggling the door knob and surprisingly it was open. I decided to walk in without any permission from him. "Alright I'm coming in."

I looked over to see Roman brushing his hair very slowly. He was dressed up very nicely too. I kind of felt stupid for him. He does realize we are going through the woods, right?

"Oh hey Patten. I didn't hear you come in. Did you even knock? That's kind of invading y privacy you know?" He said while concentrating on his hair.

"You do realize we are going through the woods and that your clothes will get dirty? Also, I did knock. Guess you were too busy with your hair to notice." I said with an aggravated look on my face.

"Oh, I guess you're right. But even though we are going through the woods, I can not look like a mess when I'm going to save my love. My hair needs to be perfect for him. My clothes? Well, as long as I don't get a scratch on my face, then I'm good." He said with a smile. I didn't really buy it. He was still working on his hair.

I walked over to his closet, trying to find his knight in shinning armor outfit so he won't ruin that nice outfit of his. Sometimes he can just be so caught up in his looks he doesn't see the bigger picture and what might happen.

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