Road Trip

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"Alright everyone!! Who's ready for a nice ride on the road? I sure am!" Patton said excitedly. It's not everyday you get to go on road trips.

"Alright Patton. Calm down." Said Roman. He too was excited, but not as excited as Patton. Virgil was excited too, only he wasn't that excited.

"Where are we going exactly?" Asked Virgil. Logan, who already knew, replied to his question.

"Why, we're going to Florida." Said Logan.

"Wait, what! Why would we travel all that way?" Exclaimed Virgil. Only to his surprise, Logan was laughing.

"I'm only joking Virgil. Calm down. We're actually going to the mountains. A nice scenic road trip don't you think?" Said Logan.

"Making me worry that we'll have to each take turns driving." Mumbles Virgil. Roman laughed of course, and Patton....well he was just too excited that he wasn't really paying attention.  It's been forever since they've been on a road trip.

After awhile, everyone seemed to have gotten their stuff in the car, everyone was in the car, and didn't need anything else. They all decided who was going to drive first and discuss later who will drive on the way back home.

"Okay, let's play rock, paper, scissors to see who drive. The two winners will go against each other and that will decide who drives." Said Logan. Everyone agreed and started. First it was Logan against Roman, the rule was best out of three. Since neither of them wanted to drive, they both tried to lose. But there had to be one winner. After many attempts of getting ties, Logan won.

"Dang it." He said.

"Yes! I don't have to drive! Victory is once mine!" Said Roman.
Next, it was Virgil against Patton. Virgil didn't want Patton to drive because of how excited he was. And if he was really excited, he could possibly get distracted. So, he decided to win it for everyone's safety.

"Oh darn. Aw well. Maybe next time!" Said Patton. It sounded like he wanted to drive but Virgil just didn't want to take the chance. Now, it was Virgil against Logan. Logan still didn't want to drive, and Virgil didn't mind. He thought about beating Logan too, but in the end, Logan won and had to drive.

"Oh come on!" Said Logan angrily. He didn't want to drive but after some thinking, he won't have to drive back home. "You know what, never mind. It's fine."

Everyone got into the car and they headed off. Beforehand, Logan set the GPS to their location. It estimated that it would take them about two hours. Logan have out a long sigh and readied himself for this long drive.

After a long silence in the car, Patton turned the radio on to break the silence. It was about an hour and a half that passed by, and they were nearing a gas station.

"Okay. Bathroom break. Maybe some snacks too." Said Logan. After driving for the entire hour and a half, he headed to the bathroom. Everyone else went in to get snacks, and eventually, Logan did too. Only, he got coffee to help him stay awake during the rest of the drive. Everyone got their snacks, paid for it, and headed back to the car. Once again, with Logan driving and music going on in the background.

Almost another hour went by and they have arrived at the mountains. It was a very beautiful and serene scene. Tall, big, and blue mountains in the background, the autumn colors of the leaves that have fallen down from the cool and crisp breeze going by. It was a very calming place.

"Yay! We're here!" Said Patton. "Just take in that fresh air kids! The beautiful outdoors, the lovely sunny sun shine! What more wonders could you ask for?" 

"Yes Patton it is a nice view. Come and help us set up." Said Roman. He couldn't help but also smile. Maybe because Patton's vibe about this whole trip was rubbing off on him. 

"Why? I thought we were here just to relax." Said Patton.

"We are, but we also planned on having a picnic, after that, we're gonna go on a hike. Supposedly this is a popular place to go hiking at." Replied Logan as he was unloading the picnic blanket along with the basket. Patton eventually did help set up and everyone got together and started to eat. 

Logan looked at his watch, the time was 10:47. If they wanted an early start hiking up the mountain, he thought that maybe they should start cleaning up. As they were cleaning up, other cars were coming. It looked like there could be more people wanting to hike as well. They all got their book bags and started walking to the trail. 

After about an hour has passed, they all decided to take a break. 

"How many miles did we walk? I think I'm done with this walking." Said Roman. Virgil laughed a little and gave him his water bottle for him to drink. The cool breeze earlier that say came by again and cooled everyone of them down, slightly. "Thank you Virgil." 

"Yep. No problem."

"Roman we walked about a mile. This trial is about five. It rounds back to the start. I think you'll be fine. We can always take breaks." Said Logan. Roman groaned and just slouched over, eventually walking again, but no longer feeling so excited about the trip anymore. Virgil noticed this and walked beside him. Nudging him in a teasing way. Roman looked up, slightly agitated, but as he saw Virgil's smile, he couldn't help but feel flustered and just gave a small smile. 

"Come one Roman. That's my role to be all brute and angst. Seems like we switched roles today. Come one man. Let's switch back." Said Virgil as he chuckled, following up with another sweet smile. 

"Ugh. Why do you have to be so cute and convincing! Fine." Said Roman. He too laughed, taking Virgil's hand as they walked. Patton, was surprisingly calm and didn't say much during the walk. This surprised Logan because Patton was all so excited earlier. It made him wonder why his expressions changed. 

"Hey Patton,"

"Yeah Logan?"

"You aren't really saying anything. Is everything okay? You weren't as excited now as you were the whole way when we go here."

Patton nodded his head and gave a smile to Logan.

"Everything is fine. I'm just relaxing. The beautiful outdoors, the refreshing feel from outside, it's all so wonderful. I just want to spend quality time with you all, that's all. I'm sorry if my change of expression worried you."

"It's okay. I was just, curious. I'm glad you're having a great time."

"What about you Logan? Are you having a good time yourself?" 

"Yes actually. Granted I'm not as expressive as you are, but more expressive than Virgil,"

"I heard that." Said Virgil. 

"But I am enjoying myself on this trip. It wasn't anything too extravagant, but nothing too simple. It's just nice. It's new."

"I couldn't agree more." The four of them kept walking and eventually after two hours, they were about more than halfway done with the hike. Thanks Virgil, Roman didn't complain as much and kind of forgot that they were on a five mile hike. Patton and Logan just walked beside each other, enjoying one's company and spending nice quality time together. 

"Okay, break time! We're almost done too. Anyone hungry? I brought snacks!" Said Patton. He reached into his book bag and took out some cucumber sandwiches along with some granola bars and fruits. He gave each of them a fruit, sandwich, and whoever wanted a granola bar. A quick ten minute break, and then they would get back to walking the trail. 

Logan looked at his watch, reading 1:23. They all got up and continued the walk, almost finishing it in the remaining hour. 

"That was a nice way to spend the day. But the real question is, who's driving us back home?" Asked Patton. 

"I'll drive. Only if Virgil will sit in the front with me to keep me awake. Today was a nice day for us to become closer." Said Roman. Patton smiled and agreed with it. They put all of their things in the back and all got in the car, ready for the long drive back. 

Sander Sides One Shots (RomanxVirgil) (PattonxLogan) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now