A Song(Roman x Virgil)

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//Roman's POV//

I was in Virgil's room, doing nothing really. I was just lying on his bed, looking at the ceiling. I just wanted to come by and hang out but we aren't really doing anything right now. Virgil is busy doing something, but I don't know what it is. I kept asking him questions about it, but he wouldn't tell me anything. So, it was just quiet. The only noise that was made was from the clock in his room, ticking away. 

"Are you going to tell me what you are doing now? I've been in here for about an hour already, and we haven't done anything either." I said. I was starting to get very bored. I sat up and looked in his direction.

"We'll do something. But right now you have to wait. I'm almost done with this thing. Also, no I will not tell you what I am working on" he said to me, "I'll think of something we can do. Just wait."

I groaned in agony and fell backwards back onto the bed. After what seemed to be like 20 minutes, I started humming. I couldn't bear the silence anymore. I started humming a lovely tune, which then lead to me humming a romantic song. Virgil already knows that I sing. I don't think I've met someone who hasn't. Then again, the only people I know are Patton, Virgil, and Logan. Other than that, Thomas is the one singing. 

//Virgil's POV//

I was working a small music box, but I didn't want to tell Roman. It's a gift for him. For being just the best person in the world. I might not show my affection for him that much, but I decided to put myself in some kind of use and make myself busy in some sort of way. 

I heard Roman humming. He has a very nice voice. Just wish he wouldn't come over here every time to see what it is I am working on. He eventually got bored of just humming a tune and coming by. He sat back on the bed and started to hum again. This time, it was a song. 

"Wise men say, only fools rush in." 

He started to sing? I guess I kept him waiting a bit too long. Luckily, I finished the music box. I wound it up and let go. I got up from my seat and went to the bed. The song he was singing was the song I put into the music box. He was surprised, he stopped singing and got up. He smiled at me and started to sing again.

This time, I sang with him. This caught Roman off guard and made me laugh a little. I kept singing with the melody, and so did Roman. Singing along with where I am in the song.

"Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? For I can't help, falling in love with you. Like a river flows, surely to the sea. Darling so it goes, somethings are meant to be." 

We sang this song until it ended. I told him this is a gift for him. Whenever he is bored or he wants a little music, he can always wind up the music box. I also told him that if he wants to change the song, he can unscrew the little metal part and put in a different one. He looked at me confused.

"What other parts?" I went back to my desk and came back with four different metal parts. 

"These parts." I said as I smiled. I handed him the parts. He gave me a smile, and put the music box and the parts down. I was slightly confused.

After he put the box and parts down, he gave me a hug. Whispering in my ear.

"I love it so much Virgil. What did I do to deserve such an amazing person like you? I really am a lucky person." 

"You're very welcome Roman. I'm glad you like them." I hugged him back. We stayed like this for a while and decided that we didn't want to leave each other alone tonight. After a few minutes more of staying like this, we decided to go to bed. As we were lying down, we faced each other. Roman's hand on my face, caressing it. 

"Good night Virgil. May sweet dreams come to you my love." 

"Good night Roman. I love you as well." I took his hand and held it like a prince would. I was caressing his hand and then kissed it. I moved closer to him and held him tight, caressing and playing with his hair until I fell asleep. 

//Hello my fellow readers and galactic animals! It's ya girl, galactic_wolffox. I'm not dead, it's just been a while, like almost a month since I've done a chapter? I am so very sorry! School is just very time consuming and has kept me from writing. That and writer's block. I hope you all can forgive me about not uploading for almost a month. But other than that, happy late Thanksgiving! I am grateful for all of you lovely readers for reading my fanfic! As I was getting back to writing, I noticed it reached 15.5k views! Holy cow! I am also thankful for you all being here with me along my writing journey. Giving me inspiration and leaving funny and nice comments. Not to mention corrections for when I didn't know how to spell. Then again, I can never spell things correctly and say things correctly on an almost daily basis. Hopefully I won't be as busy and I'll be able to make a new chapter soon. Thank you all for reading this chapter and this note. Really means a lot to me, and until next time!//


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