Fairy Tale: The Rescue (Part 4)

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//Maleficent's POV//

"Mistress, what shall we do? They are on their way to the castle. They broke through the barrier." A guard said to me. I knew what to do. I had about almost everything planned out.

"Let them come to us. This spell put on Virgil is almost complete. Once they reach here, the spell would be complete. That is, unless they try and teleport to the castle. Which I doubt they can. The little mage they have doesn't look like he can do much magic. So we don't have to worry much about them." I said. I know almost everything thanks to my magic orb. It tells me what will happen in the near future.

"All is understood mistress. We will be at your command when ready." As my guard said while walking away.

"Perfect. Everything is going according to plan. This will be the most perfect plan yet." 

*Does evil laugh*

//Roman's POV//

The castle seemed very suspicious to me. I feel like this isn't the only thing Maleficent is planning. It feels like this is the only first part of her plan.

"We need to be careful. I have a feeling that this isn't the only thing that she has in stored. Get ready for any surprise attacks or anything relating to that. And keep a close eye on each other." I said. I sounded like those heroes in those typical TV shows or cartoons. 

The two of them nodded their heads in agreement. Their expression afterwards was a bit strange. 

"Don't worry about our expression. We're just both really surprised at how leading you are about this. Usually it's Logan who is like this." Patton said. He gave a little laugh after that.

I didn't realize I was acting like this. I guess I was just very confident in finding Virgil, and making sure everyone else is safe while doing the saving.

"By the way, I'm pretty sure Maleficent knows we are here. Like all wizards, mages, sorcerers, and witches, they have to have something that tells them things. Like things that might happen in the future. But they all have specific limit. If this thing Maleficent has is telling her what I just said, then we have to be careful." Patton said.

"That's very interesting Patton. Where'd you get this kind of information?" I asked him. He laughed a little.

"I'm a mage after all. I'm suppose to know this stuff. I plan on getting something related to this thing Maleficent has. But I'd like it to be a talking dog or cat. What are they called again?" He said as he was in thought of what the word was.

"A familiar you mean?" Logan said as he chuckled a little. Patton nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah! That's what it was called! Thanks Logan. But yes I'd like to get a familiar. I found them more helpful than an orb or something like that. But you kind of have to earn a familiar's trust in order for them to be your partner." Patton said. I was very intrigued by what he said. 

Patton always had very interesting things to tell us about mages. But we're getting off track. Now that we know Maleficent has something like that with her, we will sure be extra stealthy. 

"Alright, let's go." I said.


I suspected she would be waiting for us. Sitting in her throne. Saying bull crap about waiting for us and how it was a trap.

We devised a plan. We first have to destroy her orb. That way, she won't know what will happen in the near future. She probably knows about this plan, but we have ways that won't make sense, but once we do so, it will make sense.

Sander Sides One Shots (RomanxVirgil) (PattonxLogan) [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang