Switched Romance?!? (Virgil x Logan)

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//Virgil's POV//

Strange to see how we ended up together. I don't remember how, but we did.

"Hey Logan. What do couples do again?" I asked. I don't really know much because I'm not always the one to see what Thomas used to do when he was dating someone. I'm just usually there because of the anxious feeling he gets before the date. 

"Oh. Uh, well one thing I know is they are usually next to each other. Either hugging or holding one another, holding one another's hand, kissing, and etc. They are usually together and sometimes are inseparable." He said to me. 

"But what about friends and best friends? They hug and hold each other sometimes. Does that mean we are dating them?" I asked. 

"That is something very different. Yes, we love them, but the mutual feeling of love that we feel is something like loving a sibling or a relative. That is a different kind of love."

It made sense now. I think I know why Logan and I became a thing. We both had a mutual love for one another, but nothing like a sibling love. I think I remember why I fell for Logan. I started to think, and smiled. 

//Logan's POV//

Strange to hear Virgil talk about love like this. Then again, we did have that one time where Patton made a Family card for him. It was cute. 

I turned around and looked up at Virgil and saw him smiling. He has a very cute smile. It suits him. I want him to smile for a long time. But in the mean time, I just looked at him. I didn't interrupt him while he was thinking because of this smile that he has. 

How did we get together again? I started to think as well. I remembered when we both laughed together, when we both agreed on something, when we hung out together. I want to make him smile more. He has a really nice smile.

I decided not to interrupt him and ruin the moments that are going through his head right now. I turned back around and continued on with what I was doing.

//Virgil's POV//

"-ey Virgil! Hey Virgil!" I heard. I got out of thought. "How long was I standing there for?" I asked. Logan smiled at me, and then started to laugh.

"You were standing there smiling for about 45 minutes", he told me. I felt embarrassed. I believe I started to turn red. "There's nothing to feel embarrassed about. Though, it's very cute when you smile. You should do it more. Think it might help you think about things a little bit different", he said. I thought about it, and he might be right about that. 

"Maybe. I'll think about it, but it doesn't mean I'll do it right away" I told him. I smirked at the thought of smiling more. If I did, would I be anxiety anymore? What would I become if my mood and overall expression changed? I guess I won't know until I actually change myself. Strange thoughts, but good to think about for some odd reason. 

"You don't have to do it right away. Just saying you should try it out", he said to me.

"Yeah yeah. I know. Anyways, what are you doing? You're so focused on that than you are on..." I stopped myself mid sentence. I didn't want to finish that sentence.

"More focused than what?", he asked me. "Nothing! Just, what are you doing?" I asked. I really didn't want to finish that sentence. After all, we just started dating so I don't fell like I should say things like that yet. 

"Well, I'm just working on Thomas' dream. Currently he is sleeping. I want to make sure he is sleeping peacefully and having some kind of sweet dream." I didn't know Logan had this big of a job like this. How does he sleep then if he's working this late? 

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