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It was a peaceful day. The sun was out, there was a small breeze going outside. But of course, that's not really the case for the Sander Sides. They all stayed inside. Granted, Patton did open the curtains to let some sun in when he walked into the kitchen. Just because they didn't want to go outside doesn't mean they can't enjoy the nice weather in other ways. 

As Patton was opening the curtains, he saw Logan at the table. It seemed like he was writing something down on some old tattered paper. He walked over to Logan, standing over his shoulder, watching him write, not saying a word to him. Logan felt a little strange so he turned around to see Patton standing over him, startled, Logan jumped. Causing him to almost fall out of his chair.

"Holy crap Patton! Don't do that! Next time just say something!" Logan exclaimed. Patton felt a little guilty afterwards for sneaking up on Logan like that. But it wasn't intentional.

"I'm sorry Logan. You just seemed to look very concentrated on that. I didn't want to disrupt you. What are you writing anyways?" asked Patton.

"Oh yeah, this. Its a list."

"A list of what?"


"What kind of reasons are they?"

"This piece of paper has a list of reasons of why I love you. Along with the edge lord himself, Virgil and the idiot that we all love, Roman. Each of you have your own categories."

"Can I see?" Logan nodded his head and handed the old piece of paper to Patton. "Aww you put me as the first category!"

Patton held the piece of paper to his face, took a deep breathe in, and started to read out loud.

"Wait, what are you doing? Don't read it out loud!" Logan started to feel nervous and feel a bit fidgety.

"I want to enjoy this moment, so I thought , maybe if I read it out loud I'd be able to enjoy it more!" said Patton. Logan didn't feel okay with this, but dealt with it and just sat there, flustered and tense, listening to Patton read out the reasons he wrote down.

Patton started once again, reading in the format that Logan read.

"Patton: Reasons why I love him:

- Always smiles

- Knows what to say to make my day brighter

- Always has a lot of love to give

- Laughs 

- Sees the good in almost everything

- Adorable actions

- Always listens when I have a problem

- Never makes me feel as if I'm not worth anything

- Good competition when it comes to knowledge and new words

- Silly dad jokes."

Patton stood their. Paper in hands, and a smile on his face. 

"You really like my dad jokes?"

"I mean they are dumb, but it doesn't mean they aren't bad. Well most of them that is." Patton put the paper down and didn't read any further. He walked up to Logan and hugged him tightly. 

"This makes today another great day. Thank you for letting me read this Logan." 

Logan chuckled. "It's not a problem at all Patton."

"But why didn't you just tell me up front and in person?"

"Because telling you in person would be embarrassing for me. So I wrote them down to get it out. Sorry."

"It's fine. I think I like it better like this. I can keep it with me and if I want to see it again, I can just come to you and ask to read it again. If that's okay?" Logan nodded his head. "Hey! Maybe I should create one for all of you like you did! I think it'll be fun!"

Logan chuckled once again. "It's never a boring day with you is it?" Patton laughed a little too. He grabbed a piece of paper and started to write his reasons as well.

Sander Sides One Shots (RomanxVirgil) (PattonxLogan) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now