Amnesia and the Ace

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"Logan, how could you not remember? You still love me right?" Said Patton with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Patton. I don't not have any romantic affiliations toward you. Nor do I ever remember us dating. I only see you as a friend." Said Logan.


//Logan's POV//
"Llllllooooooogggaaaannn!" I turned around and away from my book to see where that noise was coming from. To no surprise, it was Patton himself. Before I could react, he was already jumping towards me. Seeing what he was doing I quickly threw my book to the side to catch him.

"You know, you really have to be careful. What if I don't hear you and I don't catch you?" I asked him, holding him in my arms like a princess.

"I know you won't. Because you love me too much! You even threw your book to the side to catch me!" He said with a grin.

"Yes I do love you, but that's because I didn't want you to get hurt by that hard cover book. You know how painful that is." Patton nodded his head and reached over to where I tossed my book. "Here you go."

"Thanks Patton. Though, I don't think I'll be able to read now that I'm holding you like this."

"That's okay. I can move so you can continue reading. Happy reading Lo Lo!"
As I flipped through the pages to find where I left off, I thought about the new nickname Patton gave me. Lo Lo eh? That's cute.
I continued to read for about a good hour or two. Looking over to the clock, it was starting to get late. As I headed upstairs to my room, I heard some rustling. I turned around to find nothing. I sort of got paranoid but didn't mind it as much and continued on to my room.

I got in bed and closed my eyes, still thinking about what I heard, I couldn't really sleep. But I thought that closing my eyes would help. As I was about to sleep, I heard another noise. This time, it sounded like the creaking from my door. I opened my eyes to see that it was open. I raised myself up off my bed thinking it was probably Patton.

"Patton? Is that you?"

"Oh, but you could be any more correct. If only you paid more attention."
That tone! It can't be

"It is yo-"

"Rest now. Logan. I'm only doing you a favor. Now you don't need any more feelings to get in the way of what you were meant to be. After all, you are logic. Hehehe."

//Patton's POV//
Time to go wake Logan up with a good morning hug!
As I walked towards Logan's room, I hummed a happy tune, happy to go and wake Logan up. Well, again.
"Lo Lo! Time to wake..."

"Hello Patton."

"...up. Hey Logan. It's been a while since I've seen you up this early. Is there a special occasion or something?"

"Well, no. But as Thomas's logical side, I need to be awake and ready at all times."

"O-oh. I guess you're right. But uh, would you still like your good morning hug?"
I opened my arms, gesturing him to come over and get his good morning hug. But after a minute or two, he didn't budge. He just sat at his desk, on his computer doing work.

"I'm sorry Patton, but when did this "good morning hug" ever happen? I don't have any recollection of this."

"Lo Lo? You always love my good morning hugs. What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Sander Sides One Shots (RomanxVirgil) (PattonxLogan) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now