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Let me say falling isn’t bad; in fact it is really fun you feel totally weightless and like you’re flying like Superman. It’s the landing that really sucks. We crashed to the asphalt in a violent explosion of banging, ripping metal, bodies, helmets and terror. Gods I am so happy we had these because I’m sure my brains would’ve been all over the road if I hadn’t been wearing it.

I stood up every inch of me aching, my shoulder worst of all. I stared out into the street and saw that hand come back stretching out like a rubber band towards us. Shit, shit, shit, shit! I stepped back, too scared to run. This I’m sure is how rabbits feel when confronted with hunting dogs. They know they should run, but they’re too scared to move a damn muscle. Right now that was me, I was terrifed and frozen. The hand lunged and another pair of hands grabbed my jacket and threw me into a streetlight. My helmet cracked into the post which sent my vision shaking.

 “Ouch!” I shouted as I craned my neck around to see Chance panting next to me in the yellow light. “What-?"

“Shut up and stay here, whatever you do don’t get out of this light. Nyx,” she said pointing at the shadow hand that was currently flipping us the bird; “can’t get us here.”

“Nyx?” I asked confused.

“Goddess of darkness, a real pain in the-!” her words are cut short by a blinding flash of silver light and a sudden thunk! As the light dimmed down and I blinked away the bright spots in my eyes I saw Chance on the ground with an arrow in her helmet. The thing has a silvery glow around it and that to screamed that this is about to get very bad, very, very fast.   I turned slowly as I stood my heart pounding with dread. I saw a chick with silver eyes and a bow and thing of arrows to match. Yep this is got very bad and got bad very fast indeed.

Chance groaned and stood up removing her damaged helmet revealing a new bloody red dot  like a checker on her forehead. “Nice shot Artemis.”

The archer-Artemis-rolled her glowing silver eyes and tossed her penny-colored hair across her shoulders like a stupid diva.  “What did you expect? That’d I’d miss? I’m the goddess of the hunt you little half-breed. I’m not my stupid brother-he’s a sloppy shot. But alas, what else can you expect from males? They’re all useless slobs, better off without them. Okay, a diva and a Nazi Feminist. Great, freaking great, oh yeah and goddess, even better. Well Chance and I can kiss our freedom goodbye. We can’t make a run for it and we have no long distance weapons. We are fucked.

Artemis glared at me and I put my hands up like I was being confronted by a cop. She scowled at me again. “Ugh, I can’t believe you’re my brother. You’re an idiot. How you escaped I’m never going to understand. Well I suppose Chiron is to blame, he’s too unreliable-like every other man who’s ever walked the Earth.  I’ll make sure the Furiesget a piece of you. Well if it isn’t Chance. Now you I can see how you got away. You’re much faster on your feet even for a woman. We’re already like that. I’ll make sure you get back in without too much trouble. You’ve been a worthy enough opponent. You’ve evaded us for four years now.”

She raised her bow with a weird looking arrow that had a vial full of what honestly looked like the glitter you see on little girl’s birthday cards.  “Say goodnight,” hissed a voice that didn’t belong to Artemis and sent shivers up and down my spine. Twice. I then realized part of Nyx's power wasn't in her ability to grab you even though she was just a shadow. Everything was scarier in the dark wasn't it? That went double for darkness herself.

“Wait!” Chance exclaimed taking both me and Artemis by surprise. Is she going to beg for mercy? Hell no! my ever helpful subconscious mind said. I didn’t know anything about Chance, but she was not the type to shy away from a fight. This girl was a total Type A personality, and she was a New Yorker on top of that –we are known to get up in people’s faces in a fight. No way would she of all people beg.

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