Tears of hate

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Raoul ran out of the Opera House pulling Christine with him.
"Raoul let me go!"
"No! This is all a trick by Erik to make you sing for his personal gain and I have proof!"
Raoul ran to his horse and put Christine on in. He hoped on and he road off to the next city.
"Raoul will you at least tell me where we are going?"
"A hidden place where he will never find you."
They road for what seemed like hours until they reached a nearby home.
Raoul helped Christine off of his horse and into his home.
"Raoul let me go! I love Erik and he will never hurt me!"
"Yes he will. Ever since he asked you to be Prima donna he had been making plans to have you as the lead in every opera. The public loves you that's why you are always the lead. The more people who come the more money he makes. Christine you have to believe me!"
"No! It's not true!" She said slapping Raoul.
"Christine stop. I'm just trying to help you."
"Well your not all your doing is destroying my life with lies!"
"They are not lies I have proof. Come here and look for yourself."
He motioned for Christine to look at the piles of papers on his desk. She looked at them and they had many numbers. She looked through all of them still thinking Raoul was wrong until she saw one that said 'Christine's fame= profit'
She felt tears role down her eyes, it was written in Erik's handwriting. How could he be so selfish? Was all of this a lie? She fell to the floor crying hysterically. Raoul came over and helped her up. He showed her to her room then left her in peace. Christine felt betrayed, used, and helpless. Did Erik love her or was it all a scheme to help him make money? Christine stayed in her room all night until she fell asleep crying.
Christine woke up with tears still staining her cheeks. She got out of her bed and noticed some new dresses in her closet. She picked out a blue one and made herself look presentable. As she walked out of her room she saw Raoul sitting in a chair reading a book. He heard her come out of her room and turned to her.
"Good morning Christine."
"Yes Christine?"
"I would like to apologize for being so rude to you when you were just trying to protect me."
"It ok Christine, he tricked you it's not your fault."
"Raoul can you forgive me for my actions?"
"Of course Christine."
She walked over and hugged Raoul desperately. She just wanted to be comforted by someone. She might not love Raoul but she could learn to like him. She felt guilty for all the rude things she did to try and avoid him. She knew now that she needed Raoul.

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