Old Friends

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"Patience, Gustave. First I must find the stage manager, my dressing room, the musical director."
"Then we'll go look for our friend and go see the island?"
"I'm sure he'll send for you when he's ready. Well, excuse me, miss, would you mind?"

Heaven help me, could it be? No, it couldn't possibly
Sorry, do I?
Yes, I think you do
Have we?
Go on, take a guess
Wait, it can't be, is it?
Oh, my God, I can't believe it's you
Look at you, Christine. Regal as a queen and beautiful
Meg, and you as well I could hardly tell it's you
My dear old friend Can't believe you're here, old friend
After all this time
So glad you came
You look sublime
You look the same
My sweet old friend. Never thought we'd meet, old friend
Look at you, a star
And you, a wife
And isn't life a splendid thing?
And here we are
To see the sights
And sing
To sing?
And of course, as a treat for my son Meg, meet Gustave
Who hired you to sing here?

It can't be you!
We've come to work
That's all very well but till you're gone, you'll wait upon my boss' whim
Ah, yes, your boss and who is that?
It's him

Sorry, did I hear you right? Here to sing
Tomorrow night
I'm afraid there must be some mistake. You can't be performing
Mainly, dear 'cause so am I! I'm in fact the star, for heaven's sake! What are you to sing?
Just one little thing, an aria. Please you needn't fret I'm sure you will get your due

That's what I said
You work for him?
Now so do you
And my poor wife. We thought him dead. She'll be appalled!
Unless she knew"

"Darling, please, are you alright?
Tell me now, that music, who was its creator?
Darling, please don't squeeze so tight Something's going on here, I'll deal with you later"

"My dear old friend. Can't believe you're here, old friend
Speaking as your host
As an artist
What a surprise
To say the least
Yes, dear old friend. That's a happy tear, old friend. I can't conceal, try though I may, the way I feel, so I pretend, I'm
sure it's clear, to such a dear old friend
What dear old friends. Don't we all live here, old friends?
Nothing has been changed
And never will
Just rearranged
And yet we're still, such grand old friends, such devoted and old friends. Words cannot suggest what's in my heart and for the
rest why even start?
My dear old friends! So much longer near, old friends. Back again at last. When everyone Is doing great. Won't this be fun?
With dear old friends. Utterly sincere old friends!
Honey, break a leg
Madame, good day
Enjoy your stay
Hope it extends
So glad you're here! A lovely dear old friend! Old friend!"

"Gustave? Gustave!"
"Must you always be chasing after the boy?! I swear when I find him..."
"No! I will find him. Meg do you mind?"
"Of course not let's find him. Where do you think he might have gone?"
"He wanted to meet Mr. Y."
"I know where to go follow me. Good day Raoul."
"Good day Meg."
Christine and Meg traveled through Phantasma in search for Gustave.

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