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One Month Later
Christine woke up with the summer wind blowing in her face and the birds chirping. Christine was wearing one of her white night dresses, and her hair fell past her shoulders.
Raoul was still asleep next to her so she leaned down and kissed his cheek. His hair was in its usual morning style, and he was wearing a white shirt and black sleep pants. When Christine pulled back she started playing with his hair until his eyes started fluttering open.
"Good morning darling."
"It's a good morning indeed Christine."
Raoul sat up in bed and Christine cuddled into his chest. Raoul kisses her forehead and played with her long curly hair. Christine couldn't wipe the smile off of her face. She was excited to tell Raoul some big news.
"What has my lovely wife to be in such a good mood this morning?"
She said leaning closer to him and looking into his light brown eyes.
"Raoul I'm pregnant."
A smile grew on Raoul's face.
"O Christine that's amazing! I'm going to be a father. Christine I have never been more happy in my life. Christine I love you!"
"I love you too Raoul."
Raoul pulled her close and kissed her softly.

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