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"Mr. Y?"
"Come in child."
Gustave stepped in Mr.Y's office
"Hello Gustave
This is my realm
Illusion's domain
Where music and beauty
And art have faced rain
Go, look around while I finish my work."

"May I?"

"What's this?"

"Just a song In my head"

"Go on."

"I think it's beautiful.
Beautiful, beautiful notes.
Beautiful, beautiful sounds.
Don't you agree?
It's beautiful"

"This boy."

"So very beautiful"

"This music."

"Music that calms and controls."

"He plays like me."

"Haunting, and lovely, and bold"

"He just ten years old.
Ten years old.
My God
My God"

Just then Meg and Christine walked in Erik's office.
Gustavo said running to him and giving her a hug. Christine looked up at Erik who was staring at her son.
"Meg can you take Gustave back to the hotel? I will be there in just a few minutes."
Meg took Gustave and closed the door.
"Christine do you have something to tell me that you haven't?"
Christine looked at the ground.
"Christine please tell me the truth."

"Once upon another time, you loved me so, but that's not all you did, You left me with a son.Ever since that other time, I wish how I wish you'd have known
I kept the secret hid, the secret my marriage forbid
What else could I have done?
Just love"

"A son..."

"Just live"

"My son..."

"Just give what I can give, and take what little I deserve"
"Christine please forgive me..." Erik said sobbing at Christine's feet. Christine hated seeing him like this. He was so kind and gentle how could he betray her.
She bent down next to him.
"Erik I don't regret a thing. Gustave reminds me everyday that I made the mistake not to run away from Raoul. You never deceived me Raoul did. He made me think you were a monster but he's the real evil.
Erik looked into her blue eyes, they were filled with tears and love.
"Forgive me I beg you, if you can. I've brought you nothing but war. The one thing I need is you right beside me let me stay with you once more."
"Christine I love you."
Erik held Christine as close as he could.
"Erik let me and Gustave stay with you, I'm afraid."
"Of what my dear?"
"Raoul, He has changed. After we were married he gained a horrible problem of drinking and gambling, I don't know what to do."
"Say you'll share with me one love one lifetime. Say the word and I will follow you. Share each day with me each night each morning."
Erik leaned in and closed the gap between them with a soft and loving kiss. Christine kissed him back almost immediately. She missed Erik and his soft loving hands on her. Erik's hands found their way to her waist and pulled her to him more. Christine softly moaned at his loving actions. Erik groaned as Christine's fingers ran through his long dark hair. Christine slowly pulled away her eyes were still closed.
Erik stood up and picked up Christine bridal style.
"Let's go home."
Erik said kissing her forehead.

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