Chapter 4

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Everyone left to have a shower, and I understood Harry and Ginny needed a moment together. I took my old grimoire on dragons and sat on the couch, in the living room. I had learnt a lot about them, but there was still so much to learn and I kept finding books to answer and arise new questions. Half an hour later, I noticed Charlie in the kitchen, making himself a cup of tea. His hair was still a bit wet. I was about to dive back into the old book when I saw Charlie walking out of the kitchen. He eventually noticed me and offered a cup of tea. A minute later, he reached me and handed me a mug. He had a look at my book and rose an eyebrow.

"Interested in dragons?" he asked.

"Well, ever since you told me about your job, I have to admit I grew very much interested in them. I have so many questions, I just want to know everything about them."

"If you'd like, I could tell you about them. I may not know as much as your book, but I have some experience with these big lizards.".

"I'd really like that."

I closed my book and Charlie took place next to me on the couch.

"Ask me anything you want to know, and I'll do my best to answer," he solemnly said, smiling.

So, I did. I asked everything I wanted to know, and Charlie did not seem annoyed by any of my questions, even when they were really basic. He carefully explained, he took his time and always gave precise details and examples. He sat a bit closer to me to take my book and showed me some chapters and drawings, while adding some specificities, giving other examples. We were so focussed on our conversation we had not noticed Harry and Ginny coming down the stairs.

"Hey, what are you two doing?"

"Talking about dragons," Charlie explained.

"Charlie, Nora probably doesn't care about your work," Ginny reproached.

"No, I do. I'm the one who keeps asking questions."

"This is the Hungarian Horntail, right?" Harry asked next to me.

"Old friend of your?" Charlie teased.

"Something like that."

"So, Charlie," Ginny started, sitting in front of her brother, "anything new in your life?"

"Same ol' life, Ginn."

"Charlie... Anyone new in your life?"

Harry and I uncomfortably looked at each other. We should definitely not be there. We awkwardly looked away and remained silent, while Charlie stared at his sister.

"Ginny, this is none of your business."

"Come on, you can tell us–"

"Ginn'..." Harry interrupted.

"What? He's my brother, I have the right to know."

"Maybe not right here and now," I attempted.

Ginny sighed and left the living room.

"What is it with her?" I asked Harry.

He shrugged and followed her up the stairs. Charlie and I were alone again in the living room, we remained silent.

"Sorry. It was awkward," he said.

"No kidding," I said laughing. "Does she always try to know?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, when she sat down you seemed to already know what she was going to say."

"Good point. Ginny is worried I like my dragons more than I like people."

"I'm sure dragons are more civilized than humans anyway."

"True." He answered laughing.

Mrs Weasley appeared by the entrance door; her hands full of bags. We helped her carry them to the kitchen and offered to help. I was cutting vegetables while Charlie was washing them.

"Charlie, dear, you really have to do something with your hair!"


"Honey, you won't find anyone with this haircut, let me do something, let me fix it."

Charlie said nothing and calmly listened to his mother complaining about his haircut. I discreetly told him the dragons probably really liked his hair. He hid a smile and I walked back to the table.

"Nora, could you tell him?" she desperately asked.

"Me? No, I... I don't have an opinion–"

"Mum, please. You can't ask her to have an opinion on my hair. I'm sure doesn't care, nor should you."

"But Charlie, you would be so much better with a proper haircut," she said, disappointed.

Charlie sighed once again, but didn't add anything else. We remained silent and finished cooking. To be fair, I did have an opinion on his hair. I really liked it that way, it suited his looks. His mother left and he sighted again, and I slightly laughed.

"What is it?"

"Everyone is trying to know if you're dating a girl, or trying to get you to date one. Or a guy for that matter."

"And are you trying to know either I like men? You should have teamed up with the twins on that topic."

"What? No – no, absolutely not. I just didn't see why I wouldn't mention men too, I mean it's not like it would be an issue of any kind..." I stopped talking and took a big breath.

"You tend to do that when you're uncomfortable, don't you?"

"Talking nonsense and looking absolutely stupid? Yeah, I tend to do that." I said in a breath, feeling my cheeks getting warmer.

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