Writing Process

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Hey! I'm bored as fuck so I thought why not post? But I'm also having a huge case of writers block right now...
So, I thought I'd tell y'all how I write.
Okay, so it's different for different stories but yeah.
So, before, like when I first published this, I used to just write whatever. But those were cringey as fuck so, I changed my ways...
Now, I usually think about the stories for a week, never write it until I almost forget and the story is completely different.
Like, they're still cringey, but they read better than the old ones.
When I write them, I tend to listen to music. I just listen to whatever.
Usually I listen to Drew Monson, Dodie Clark, and small musicians like cavetown, etc.
I find that I like music that has no words because it helps me focus more, so I listen to classical music too.
I listen to Chopin, because his nocturnes and waltzes are a bop and a half.
Anyway, I also listen to pop, but from like the early 2000's, ya know?
And from before then. I just finished listening to Backstreet Boys because I can, don't judge me okay? They will always be my true loves.
And at the moment I'm listening to Yandel, which isn't pop. He's reggeton, but yeah.
Blame my brother for my interest in that genre, cause I would have never thought I'd listen to it. So yeah.
For my physical books I have overviews of each chapter just to get an idea of what each chapter's going to be like.
I have specific pages for what characters look like, and yeah. I also have a meme for each page.
And it's not like the shitty memes everyone my age looks at. (Cause I'm 14 btw)
No, I mean the good ones.
The ones that butter everyone's croissant. Ya know?
Just so I won't get bored, which I won't. Because even though I'm a shit writer I still love writing.

Also, does anyone listen to Bad Bunny? If you do, how the fuck do you understand what he's saying?
Cause I speak Spanish fluently, it is my first language, but I have no idea shat he's saying other than in the song with J Balvin and Prince Royce. I don't remember the name?
Sensualidad? Or some shit like that.
Yeah, okay bye.

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