Beating Close to Mine

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When I was a little girl my mom always used to tell about how she knew she loved my dad.
"When you meet them, you get this feeling."
"Like butterflies?"
" Yes, but you get another one too. One that overrules everything else going on. In your head, in your heart."
" Woah!"
"Love is like a superpower. You always know when they're sad or sick."
"Like spidey senses?!"
"Yes. Like spidey senses. And it's not just a feeling. It's an action. Always doing better. Always helping them. Always helping yourself. It's the little things that show them you love them."
"Like giving them small flowers?"
"Not quite. It's more like remembering something they've only mentioned once. Like how they like their coffee."
"Or what their favorite flower is. Or animal. What they're passionate about. What their dream car is."
"They get a bus too?"
"If that's their dream car too, then yes."
It wasn't like what she'd said. In fact it was nothing like she said.
When I first saw him, I thought about absolutely nothing. I could feel nothing or say anything. I was frozen.
So everything my mom told me was bullshit.
Well everything up to the action part. After I knew, I did everything for him.
So thanks to my mom for that part.
Except she never told me she'd be angry.
That I'd love him.
She never told me about the rain. And the thunder. Thunder that growled. That consumed.
And that she'd come for me.
That I'd miss my chance. That she'd take it from me.
But I remember.
I remember and I always will.
Because I never threw them away.
And that night, despite everything. That I forgot, that I kept. I forgot about the thunder. And just saw him.

I know I said it was the last part a chapter ago, but I felt like Clytia deserved redemption for everything that she did. So here it is.

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