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I got it. A new pack of cigarettes.
Fresh to give to someone new.
And I did.
I got all I wanted. Domesticity. With someone else that wasn't her.
That day wasn't hard. It was just like any other. Except the mirrors were covered in her house.
She had left me a letter.
One that said she still had my cigarettes. She only used half the pack.
She told me where she left them, but I had no need of getting them. It was all over.
She also told me she still loved me.
Well, she did before...
Before she ruined it.
Before life ruined it.
But I realized that day that life doesn't care.
It doesn't care whether or not you were in love. Whether you worked hard or not.
It doesn't give a shit about feelings.
Because it doesn't have any.
Life did not stop when she did.
So I planted sunflowers in the garden. Because she had still loved me and I moved on.
And I thought about what she said the last time I saw her.
Better you than me.
It was true. It was better that she left despite all the love she felt for me. Because I got someone else. And a better pack of cigarettes.
And those flowers followed the sun. She always loved that story.
Of Apollo and Clytia.
Her namesake.
It seemed like the right thing to do.
She was the sunflowers in my garden, and I was the sun. She followed me so she would never lose sight. Just like Clytia.
The fallen deserve requiem.
Clytia got that.

That's it. That's the end!!
Hope y'all enjoyed this wild ride as much as I did.
From the first part of the story I can see how much I've changed.
Just to be clear, It's customary in Jewish culture to cover the mirrors in the house after someone passes...
I am Jewish by the way, but it's a fact I'm sure most people know.
Um, and the story of Apollo and Clytia is Greek mythology, just FYI.
Of course it is... it's Apollo...
So, yeah!!
The sunflowers are meant to serve as a requiem for Clytia, the girl that got the cigarettes.
That's all. Thanks for reading.

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