Crying All the Time

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"When I came back, I remembered leaving Cassiel."
"Yaeli. You have to realize this is nothing like your parents' situation."
"Yes, it was Raziel. And you know it was. I left him. I never fought. I just accepted the fact that I had to go and said 'Bye, I'll never see you again. Oh, and hey, I also love you! Surprise!'" Yaeli tried go stop her leg from bobbing up and down but failed.
"He didn't act like your mother."
"Yes, he did. My mom couldn't accept the fact that her husband left her with three kids. So she drank. And god knows what else she did when she left us alone those nights."
"Cassiel looked for you. For a way to get you back. Your mother turned into an alcoholic. Very different."
"Is it? I mean, Raz, I was dead. And my dad, he left and my mom became so obsessed with the buzz of alcohol. She loved getting drunk, because who cared what she did, it was just the alcohol. And she'd forget. That we were at home, struggling for food. Grasping at straws for rent. We were kids, it shouldn't've been our problem.
"And Cass, all he did was read. Do research. He'd lose himself in trying to find a way to get me back, so much that he forgot that he had a job protect others. My mom became best friends with the bottom of a glass but he became friends with the pages of a book and solitude."
"It is not his fault he loves you so much."
"I'm not blaming him for anything. I'm observing the fact that this is the same problem my mom had. As soon as I died I realized that maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh towards my mom. Don't get me wrong; she was still shit at being an actual parent. But I barely knew my dad. So it didn't hurt when he walked out our front door. But I realized my mom list the live of her life. Her whole purpose for keeping our fucked up family together. So when he left. She didn't see any reason to stay either."
"But she loved you too. I saw it in her. She cared. She wasn't sober enough time to tell you."
Yaeli couldn't help the laugh that came out despite the many tears streaming down her face. "And isn't that fucked up?"

Hey, so this is also a part of my book we're all dead in devil town... or whatever it's called.
Well, actually the second book. But yeah.
The title is named after Elvis' "Hound Dog"
I've been obsessed for quite some time now so sorry if all the chapters for this book is named after an Elvis Presley song...
Hope you enjoyed!

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