Jar of Honey

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Okay, so before I start... Agh! One hundred reads!!! Yay! Anyway, I'm sure some of you remember back when I posted a part of a series called We're All Dead in Devil Town or something to that effect? Well it is now called without fear and this is a sequel of sorts to it.

Just so ya'll know, it is currently being edited so don't read it pls. I mean no one's gonna read it anyway, but I'll let ya'll know when it's good to read.

Jar of Honey

"It'll be fine, Cass!"

"Will it? Look at it! It's red and puffy. What if I'm allergic?"

"That's normal, Cass."

Yaeli got up from where she was sitting in front of Cassiel, walking into the kitchen. It took a while to find what she was looking for although the kitchen was fairly small. She still had a lot of trouble remembering the tiniest things. She liked to believe she was getting better; she had walked into the bathroom and she was able to recognize the face in the mirror today.

She walked back into the living room with a jar in her hands.

"What's that?" Cassiel asked.

"Honey. It'll stop the itching for a while." She grabbed his arm and applied honey to the sting.

"It still itches."

"You have to wait a while, it's not gonna stop right away."

She walked back into the kitchen to put the honey away, she was proud that she remembered where she had gotten it from.

When she came back Cassiel had his hand on the sting, but he was frozen as soon as he saw her.

"Cass, don't scratch it!" She reapplied the honey evenly.

"I can't help it, it itches too much," he said.

"Leave it alone. After a while the sting will be gone."

"Will it?"

She looked at him, eyes squinted.

"This is about your grace, isn't it?"

Cassiel's face was flushed, he looked into the kitchen.

"It's just that, I'm nothing without it. I mean, a bee was able to cause this much pain. A fucking bee, Ellie. What good am I when a tiny bee can do this to me?"

"Do you regret it?"

He looked at her, eyes wide in surprise. He didn't expect the question.

Maybe he did. He regretted not being able to save Raziel, not being able to help Ariel, He could be out there, with Jo and Ana helping the world regain peace after everything that had happened.

But he didn't regret getting Yaeli back. Or defeating Lucifer once and for all.

He nodded once, looking at the wooden floor.

"It's okay. You have a right to not like this. Hell, even I don't like it. Cass it was your grace. If you want it back there's no shame in admitting it." Yaeli paused, willing Cassiel to look at her. "You can choose to mope around for the rest of your life or you can help the angels in whatever way you can. I'll tell you one thing, life is too long to spend moping around. You'll be moping for an eternity. Be who you want the angels to remember."

For a small moment, Cassiel didn't regret a single thing in his life.

All the bees in the world could've stung him in that very moment and he wouldn't care. Yaeli would help him. Maybe he'd help her on hunts. She'd teach him how to be a memorable man.

He had his jar of honey.

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