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"What the fuck, Y/N?" He screamed, slamming the door behind him.
"What do you mean, Eugene? You're the one who had his hands all over the waitress!" You shout back.
"Because you were flirting with the bartender!"
"I went to the toilet! When I came back past he flirted with me! Do you really trust me that little?" You shout, voice breaking as tears prick your eyes.
Before waiting for a reply, you turn on your heel and go to the bedroom, not wanting him to see you cry. In the heat of the moment you grab a bag and shove in clothes and items you'd need for overnight, leaving the room and storming past him.
"Where the fuck are you going? I'm not done talking to you, Y/N!" He screamed out of the door after you as you walked away.


Your server winked at you, handing you your drink and receipt; "have a nice day beautiful"
You ignored it, turning and walking away, but as you glance at your receipt you notice his number scrawled on it.
"-and I was right there next to you! And your t-shirt has my name on it!" You tune in to Keith's rant.
Reaching a bin, you turn to make eye contact with the guy, tearing up the receipt, grabbing Keith's hand and leaving.
"God I love you" he sighed.


"Y/N! Your phone!" He calls out as your phone pings and vibrates three times."Will you check it for me? Tea or coffee?" You shout back.
"What's up?" You ask, concerned.
"Why is he texting you?"
"Why is who texting me?"
"You know who!" He shouts, taking you aback.
"What?" You question, stumbling back in shock.
"Your fucking ex, Y/N! Why the fuck are you talking to him?!"
"Calm down, Zach. He-" you start until you were interrupted.
"No! You said you don't talk to him anymore! 'Y/N?', 'Do you want to get coffee tomorrow?', 'I know you still love me'. Y/N what the fuck!" He screamed.
"Zach I bumped into him the other day, he hasn't left me alone since. I love you and only you."
"I'm sorry... I just... Please... I love you and you could have so much better..." He mumbled quietly.
"Zach, nobody is better for me than you, I love you more than anything." You say holding him close.

A/N: sorry no Ned, I originally wrote all four of them yesterday, and published the chapter but wattpad deleted it. I tried to remember what I had written before, but I couldn't remember Ned's, I hope this is satisfactory :) Thanks for the request, ImAllFandomTrashRn

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